
  • 网络Danish education;Education in Denmark
  1. 丹麦教育投资的特点及其未来走向&兼析经济高度发达、高税收、高福利国家教育投资的特点及未来走向

    The Features and Trends of Educational Investment in Denmark

  2. 研究作者猜测,丹麦教育体系的变化可能是原因之一。

    The authors speculate that changes in the Danish education system may be responsible .

  3. 丹麦职业教育与培训体制的新结构

    New Structure of the Danish Vocational Education and Training System

  4. 丹麦农民教育的特色

    The Characteristics of Danish Farmer Education

  5. 丹麦特殊教育的发展概况

    Special Education Development in Denmark

  6. 本文主要从农民资格、教学模式、农民继续教育、咨询服务体系四个方面论述了丹麦农民教育的特色。

    This article mainly elaborates the characteristics of Danish farmer education from four aspects : the farmer 's qualifications , the educational model , the continuing education of farmers , the advisory service system .

  7. 丹麦大学本科教育和职业学院的绝大多数专业用丹麦语授课,大学的研究生教育设有英语授课课程。

    Most of the universities and colleges use Danish for undergraduate studies , and offer education in English for graduate students .

  8. 我是在丹麦由祖母抚养大,在丹麦学校受的教育,因而,我真正的母语是丹麦语。

    I was brought up in Denmark by my grandmother , and educated in Danish schools so that Danish is really my native language .