
  • 网络Danish Prime Minister;Prime Ministers of Denmark
  1. 我两次会见奥巴马总统,而且进行了长时间的会谈。我还会见了联合国秘书长和东道主丹麦首相。

    I met US President Obama twice and we had long conversations .

  2. 丹麦首相拉尔斯・洛克・拉斯穆森提醒代表国成员,为了每个人,他们应该立即行动起来。

    Denmark 's Prime Minister Lars Lokke Rasmussen reminded delegates the time to act is now and for everyone .

  3. 经过在新加坡举行的亚太经济合作组织峰会后,关于哥本哈根会议的能否达成协议和丹麦首相提出的方案有很多的讨论。

    Recently there has been lots of discussions on the outcome in Copenhagen and the Danish Prime Minister 's proposal , especially after the APEC Summit in Singapore .

  4. 由丹麦首相拉斯穆森提出的方案一直都在讨论之中,我们认为其中包括的同行评议环节非常重要。

    The Danish proposal was always discussed , having been put forward by Prime Minister Rasmussen , that includes a peer review feature that we feel is very important .

  5. 丹麦首相拉斯穆森说,卡斯特罗不会被人怀念。瑞典外交大臣说,卡斯特罗的离开标志着一个时代的结束,这个时代以自由开始,以压迫结束。

    Danish Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen says Fidel Castro will not be missed , while Sweden 's foreign minister Carl Bildt says Mr. Castro 's departure marks the end of an era that began with freedom and ended with oppression .

  6. 在经过由经济主宰的激烈的竞争之后,她成为丹麦首位女首相。

    She 's set to become Denmark 's first woman prime minister after a closely-fought campaign dominated by the economy .

  7. 特朗普总统取消了即将到来的丹麦之行,此前丹麦首相告诉他格陵兰岛是非卖品。

    President Trump cancelled his upcoming trip to Denmark after the Danish prime minister told him that Greenland is not for sale .