
  • 网络danxia mountain;Mount Danxia;danxiashan mountain
  1. 丹霞山是位于广东韶关市东北部郊区的著名景点。总面积319平方公里。

    Mount Danxia is a famous scenic area located in the northeastern suburbs of Shaoguan City , Guangdong Province , covering a total area of319 sq km .

  2. 丹霞山是世界丹霞地貌命名地。

    Danxia Mountain is the place where the naming the world landform was granted .

  3. 而丹霞山是世界上这类地貌中面积最大、发育最典型、风景最优美的地区。

    But , the Danxia Mountain is the largest and the most beautiful and typical of its kind .

  4. 中国地域辽阔,气候多样,地质地理条件复杂,形成了种类繁多的地质遗迹,包括各种喀斯特、花岗岩、丹霞山等奇特的地貌景观、丰富多样的古生物化石以及典型的地质剖面和构造形迹等。

    In China , there exist all sorts of geological relics , including geological landforms and landscapes , ammonite res fossils , typical ecological sections and tectonic formations .