
móu shā zuì
  • murder;the crime of murder
  1. 一个被控犯谋杀罪的男人今天将出庭受审。

    A man will appear in court today charged with the murder .

  2. 他因谋杀罪被终身监禁。

    He was jailed for life for murder .

  3. 他未被判谋杀罪是基于精神失常而减轻了刑事责任。

    He was found not guilty of murder on the grounds of diminished responsibility .

  4. 经裁决,他犯有谋杀罪。

    He was found guilty of murder .

  5. 他因涉嫌谋杀罪而受审。

    He 's on trial for murder .

  6. 法庭判决他犯有四项谋杀罪,他表示要上诉。

    He said he would appeal after being found guilty on four counts of murder .

  7. 他被指控犯了谋杀罪,但以精神错乱为由逃过惩罚。

    He was charged with murder , but got off on a plea of insanity .

  8. 那位参议员被控犯谋杀罪。

    The senator was indicted for murder .

  9. 控方必须毫无疑义地证明他犯有谋杀罪。

    The prosecution has to prove beyond reasonable doubt that he is guilty of murder .

  10. 他因谋杀罪而被提讯。

    He was arraigned for murder .

  11. 他因谋杀罪而受审。

    He was tried for murder .

  12. 他承认犯有谋杀罪。

    He pleaded guilty to murder .

  13. 她供认犯了谋杀罪。

    She confessed to the murder .

  14. 议会于翌年表决对谋杀罪废除死刑。

    The following year Parliament voted to abolish the death penalty for murder

  15. 他因17岁时犯下的谋杀罪而被处以电刑。

    He was electrocuted for a murder committed when he was 17 .

  16. 法官把罪名降为二级谋杀罪。

    The judge reduced the charge to second-degree murder .

  17. 有些人因为谋杀罪在服无期徒刑。

    Some were serving life sentences for murder .

  18. 警方已经起诉贝尔先生犯有谋杀罪。

    Police have charged Mr Bell with murder .

  19. 她被指控一级谋杀罪。

    She was charged with first-degree murder

  20. 下议院以绝对多数否决了对谋杀罪恢复死刑的要求。

    The House of Commons has overwhelmingly rejected demands to bring back the death penalty for murder

  21. 他们被判谋杀罪成立。

    They were found guilty of murder

  22. 基于精神失常可减轻刑事责任的理由,博兰被免除了谋杀罪,但仍然获判过失杀人。

    Borland was cleared of murder but found guilty of manslaughter on the grounds of diminished responsibility .

  23. 他称他的谋杀罪为错判,因而进行绝食抗议。

    He is on hunger strike in protest at what he claims is his wrongful conviction for murder

  24. 他被判有谋杀罪。

    He was convicted of murder .

  25. 他供认犯了谋杀罪。

    He admitted to the murder .

  26. 警方指控他犯有谋杀罪。

    The police brought a charge of murder against him .

  27. 他犯了令人害怕的谋杀罪。

    He was guilty of the awful crime of murder .

  28. 他指控那人犯有谋杀罪。

    He charged murder against the man .

  29. 罪犯被判决犯有谋杀罪。

    The criminal was convicted of murder .

  30. 陪审团裁决他的谋杀罪不成立。

    The jury acquitted him of murder .