
  • 网络For you;Coming for You;Come for You;I'm Here For You
  1. 我们为你而来哥谭市

    We 're coming for you , Gotham City !

  2. 我明天要比赛,为你而来,知道吗?

    That come race time tomorrow , I 'm coming for you , all right ?

  3. 看起来你的人终究还来为你而来。

    Looks like your people came through for you after all .

  4. 我是为你而来的丹尼尔

    I 'm here for you , Daniel .

  5. 我早知道他们会为你而来。

    I knew they would come for you .

  6. 他们永远都是为你而来!

    They 're always there for you !

  7. 我是为你而来的。

    I was coming for you .

  8. 伙计我可不是为你而来我是为艾玛而来

    Oh , I 'm not here for you , buddy . I 'm here for Emma .

  9. 我是为你的灵魂而来

    I 've come for your soul

  10. 有人正为你准备茶,水壶正唱一支歌,朋友将为你而来,为你吹笛子!

    Someone is preparing the tea for you , water jog is singing a song , friends will come just fluting heref or you !