
wèi yì shù ér yì shù
  • art for art's sake
为艺术而艺术[wèi yì shù ér yì shù]
  1. 在日常生活审美化的当下语境里,重提为艺术而艺术具有深刻的现实意义。

    In the context of the aesthetics of everyday life , the reiteration of " art for art 's sake " is very significant .

  2. 为艺术而艺术实际上是不存在的。

    There is in nature no such tiring as art for art 's sake . existing in fact whether with lawful authority or not .

  3. 这不是一件纯粹为艺术而艺术的华而不实的东西,而是进行了大胆创新的非凡作品。

    This isn 't highfalutin art-about-art . It 's marvellous and adventurous stuff .

  4. 有些人主张为艺术而艺术。

    Someone argues there are site for art 's sake .

  5. 他推崇“为艺术而艺术”的创作原则。

    He held in esteem the literary creative principle " Art for art 's sake " .

  6. 他们的艺术不是为了服务于社会,而是为艺术而艺术。

    Their art does not try to serve society : it 's just art for art 's sake .

  7. 我们的民族,总需要有那么一批“为艺术而艺术”的“艺痴”。

    However , our nation longs for a party of artists who believe in " art for art 's sake " .

  8. 王尔德是唯美主义的中坚人物,崇尚为艺术而艺术的文艺理想,捍卫艺术的独立性和纯洁性。

    Oscar Wilde was the representative of Aestheticism , upholding the art-for-art literary ideal and defending the independent character and purity of art .

  9. “为艺术而艺术”观念在发展流变过程中表现出了审美现代性的努力方向和内在矛盾性。

    The idea of " art for art 's sake " shows the direction and contradiction of aesthetic modernity in the course of development .

  10. 而是指除了具有艺术的技巧和抽象形式以外什么都不是的艺术&他指的是为艺术而艺术。

    He meant an art devoid of anything but the technical and abstract paraphernalia of the art he meant art for art 's sake .

  11. 你真是为艺术而艺术的女神,并有着自已的艺术覌点,难得。

    You are really a Goddess , working for art , and art , having your own points of view about art and literature .

  12. 这些作家高举为艺术而艺术的旗帜,在中国现代文坛掀起了一股唯美主义文学思潮。

    They hold high " it is art but art " flag and raise whiffs of aestheticism literature ideological trend at the Chinese modem literary world .

  13. 更重要的是,晚明名妓在艺术活动中所表现出来的为艺术而艺术的精神富有艺术史意义,因而使得她们在艺术史上的地位凸显出来。

    More importantly , their spirit of " art for the sake of art " is meaningful in artistic history , which makes their status in art history outstanding .

  14. 另一方面,说它独特,也是因为它还区别于那些为艺术而艺术的形式主义文论(如象征主义、俄国形式主义等)。

    On the other hand , it is special because it also knows from Pharisaism text which for only art ( such as Symbolism , Formalism in Russia and so on ) .

  15. 福克纳并非“为艺术而艺术”的唯美主义者,他只是利用现代主义的手法去表现现代人的精神困境。

    Modernist techniques are used not in " art for arts sake " but for " art in the artists sake ": William Faulkner aimed at articulating spiritual predicament of people in modern society .

  16. 主要讲前七子的复古运动绝不是为艺术而艺术,而是他们想借文学来介入现实生活。

    Mainly says the restores the old movement of the " Former QiZi " is not " art for art ", but is they want to borrow the literature to involve the real life .

  17. 在文学理论建树方面,傅玄比较注意研究文学之体裁风格,陆机则建立了他的相当全面而系统的创作学理论,展现了一种为艺术而艺术的文学精神。

    Fu Xuan often gave his attention to the types of literature . Lu Ji established his quite comprehensive and systemic literary theory , and put up his strong literary spirit as art for art sake .

  18. 在阐释文学与人生的关系时,京派既排斥极端的现实主义,又反对为艺术而艺术,试图在为人生与为艺术之间寻求平衡,表现出和谐适当的古典精神。

    In interpreting the relationship between literature and life , they reject both the Extreme Realism and Art for Art , with an attempt to keep a balance Between Art for Life and Art for Art , thus they display a classical spirit of harmony and appropriateness .

  19. 同样的,如果技术被用于商业或工业的方式,将被视为商业艺术而非艺术。

    Likewise , if the skill is being used in a commercial or industrial way , it will be considered Commercial art instead of art .

  20. 为社会而艺术还是为艺术而艺术析两种艺术观在战后马来文坛的交锋日本战后派文学的社会性与实验性兼论战后派的形成及其意义

    " Art for Society 's Sake " or " Art for Art 's Sake ": the Debate Over Art 's Purpose in Post-war Malaya The Sociality and Practicality of the School of Post war Literature in Japan

  21. 即使知识分子加入了此活动,刺绣分为两个功能:日常使用和为艺术而艺术的艺术分歧。

    Even intellects joined this activity , and embroidery was divided into two functions : art for daily use and art for art 's sake .

  22. 当其从以自我为本位、鼓吹爱己的个性主义价值观出发、把自我觉醒的心灵本身作为表现对象时,必然会强调为艺术而艺术;

    It emphasizes that art is for the sake of art when it starts from the individual value of ego-based and takes the awakening mind itself as expressing objects ;