
  1. 手机短信:新媒介为百姓带来参政新方式

    SMS : New Media Brings People New Way to Participate Politics

  2. 他们的工作为百姓立下了美好的榜样。

    What an example those priests gave to the rest of the people .

  3. 于是摩西为百姓祷告。

    So Moses prayed for the people .

  4. 求你祷告耶和华,叫这些蛇离开我们。于是摩西为百姓祷告。

    And Moses prayed for the people .

  5. 泰州学派的本体论是面向当下生活的真理本体,统称为百姓日用。

    Taizhou school identity theory is the present life truth identity , collectively , people daily .

  6. 几乎死到临头时,他还试图伪装为百姓中的一份子。

    Almost to the last , too , he tried to pose as one of his people .

  7. 老子试图通过这一方案来清除战乱,为百姓提供一种恬静自然、安全宁静的生活。

    Lao Zi tried this program to remove the war and provide a pure nature , safe and quiet life .

  8. 用料精选的宫廷御膳,现在已为百姓享用。

    What was regarded as imperial food prepared from choice materials has Become what the ordinary people can enjoy today .

  9. 故此他理当为百姓和自己献祭赎罪。

    And by reason hereof he ought , as for the people , so also for himself , to offer for sins .

  10. 村领导心系村民,处处为百姓谋利益,敢于承担责任。

    The village leader heart is villagers , everywhere seeks the benefit for the common people , dares to undertake the responsibility .

  11. 随着电视模数转换的推进,数字电视作为一种全新的娱乐媒体,已经越来越为百姓所接受。

    With the advance of television analog-digital conversion , DTV as a new entertainment media has been accepted by more and more people .

  12. 摩西从以色列人中拣选了有才能的人,立他们为百姓的首领,作千夫长、百夫长、五十夫长、十夫长。

    He chose capable men from all Israel and made them leaders of the people , officials over thousands , hundreds , fifties and tens .

  13. 保证电子商务活动在我国健康,顺利的发展,为百姓提供一个安全可靠的交易环境,需要各方面的条件。

    It needs many conditions to ensure the healthy and smooth development of e-commerce in China and provide a safe and reliable business environment for people .

  14. 在为官的这段时期,他不遗余力地为百姓谋福利,却因为为民请赈而得罪上峰,最终罢官。

    He spared no effort in seeking the well-being for the people , but because for the people to offend Relief and peak on the final dismissing .

  15. 来五3因此,他怎样为百姓为著罪献祭,也应当照样为自己献祭。

    Heb . 5:3 And because of it , he ought , even as for the people , so also for himself , to offer for sins .

  16. 我就是…想摆脱一切,我只想辞掉我的工作为百姓们写点可读的新闻

    I just wanted to blow everything up . I just wanted out of my job , writing news scripts for dumb pretty people to read . I wanted ...

  17. 国家发改委的大门不为百姓开,而只为垄断者开,让我等百姓瞧不起!

    National Development and Reform Commission for the people not to open the door , but only for the monopoly to open , let me look down on other people !

  18. 不成熟的优先购买权理论已为百姓的经济生活及人民法院的司法实践酿成了诸多无奈且不必要的混乱。

    Not the mature first purchase power theory already has bred many helpless for common people 's economic life and people 's court 's judicial practice also the nonessential confusion .

  19. 你们过了约旦河,西缅,利未,犹大,以萨迦,约瑟,便雅悯六个支派的人都要站在基利心山上为百姓祝福。

    When you have crossed the Jordan , these tribes shall stand on Mount Gerizim to bless the people : Simeon , Levi , Judah , Issachar , Joseph and Benjamin .

  20. 摩西,亚伦进入会幕,又出来为百姓祝福,耶和华的荣光就向众民显现。

    And Moses and Aaron went into the tent of meeting , and came out and gave the people a blessing , and the glory of the LORD was seen by all the people .

  21. 法律消费更是因“依法治国”伟大治国方略的实践而越来越为百姓关注,成为我国居民的一种日常消费行为。

    As the great strategy & " ruling the country by law " has been practiced , the legal consumption was concerned by the people more and more strongly , and becomes a daily consumption behavior .

  22. 泰州学派把道归结为百姓日用,从审美文化的角度来说,反映了市民社会的审美要求和审美情趣,引领了日常生活审美化和审美日常生活化的新潮流。

    Taizhou thought of the Tao categorized as people daily , from the aesthetic cultural perspective , the community reflects the aesthetic requirements and taste , aesthetic , and lead the daily life of the new aesthetic .

  23. 耶和华阿,你的手高举,他们仍然不看。却要看你为百姓发的热心,因而抱愧。

    LORD , when thy hand is lifted up , they will not see : but they shall see , and be ashamed for their envy at the people ; yea , the fire of thine enemies shall devour them .

  24. 亚伦照著摩西所说的拿来、跑到会中、不料、瘟疫在百姓中已经发作了.他就加上香、为百姓赎罪。

    And Aaron took as Moses commanded , and ran into the midst of the congregation ; and , behold , the plague was begun among the people : and he put on incense , and made an atonement for the people .

  25. 他们知道他的治国思想就是为老百姓服务。

    They knew that his views on governing the country served the man in the car .

  26. 持正不倚的领导才能真正地为老百姓说话。

    Only even-handed leaders can truly speak for the people .

  27. 警察一点也不为老百姓办事。

    The police don 't do anything for ordinary people .

  28. 把政府为老百姓提供的各种服务从政府职能部门中分离出来,实现管办分离。

    Separate the government from the various services provided .

  29. 他们治国不为老百姓着想!

    When they govern their states , they never think of the people .

  30. 耶和华要为他的百姓伸冤,为他的仆人后悔。

    For the Lord will vindicate his people and have compassion on his servants .