
  1. 这类题对学生来说难度较大。

    These questions are difficult for most students .

  2. 结果表明:⑴在任务一中,学优生在一致题目和不一致题目上的反应时差异显著,而学困生在这两类题上的反应时差异不显著;

    The results show that ( 1 ) In task I , the superior students ' RT difference between consistent and inconsistent word problems is significant while it 's not significant for the inferior students ;

  3. 按待证结论构造辅助函数法对解答微积分中一类题是一种有效的方法,它提供了一种创造性思维模式,是逆向思维的一个很好的方法。

    It is a very effective method to answer types of calculus questions based on the construction of auxiliary function method by using unproved conclusions . It supplies a model of creative thinking , which is a good way of reverse thinking .

  4. 计算类主观题的识别是一个相当复杂的过程。

    The process of correcting to subjective problems is relatively complicated .

  5. 一类几何题辅助线作法的探索

    Exploration to Methods of Drawing Auxiliary Lines in Geometry

  6. 高中一年级思想政治教材中一类计算题的解法技巧

    Solution Skill about a Kind of Calculating Question in Political Material of the First Grade Senior High School

  7. 小学生无法解决复杂某类应用题是因为它超出了学生的认知容量,产生了认知负荷。

    The reason why pupils have difficulty in solving complex mathematical problem is that it exceeds their cognitive capacity and results in cognitive load .

  8. 通过对这类概率题常见错解的剖析,找出了错误的原因,同时给出了该题的正确解法。

    The writer analyses the common incorrect solutions to a probability problem , finds out the reasons and also offers the correct solutions to the problem .

  9. 主要介绍了高中一年级思想政治教材中一类计算题的解法技巧,从而更好地理解和掌握社会必要劳动时间和社会劳动生产率的关系。

    This paper mainly introduces solution skill about a kind of calculating question in political material of the first grade senior high school so as to understand and grasp the relation between the time of social necessary labour and social labour productivity .

  10. 非机类机械制图题库软件包的研制

    Study of Machine Drawing Test Questions Base Software Package for Non-Mechanical Department

  11. 一类电路分析题的简单求解

    To simplify solution of a king of circuit analysis question

  12. 给出了一类电路分析题的简单求解方法,并对其进行了证明。

    Giving simple solution of a kind of circuit analysis question and proving the solution .

  13. 借助正方体的特殊性质解一类立体几何题

    Solving a Kind of Standardized Problems on Solid Geometry by Some Special Properties of a Cube

  14. 论课堂情境定义与德育教学的有效性这类事情是题中应有之义,永远也会有的。

    On effectiveness of moral education with definition of classroom situation ; They are in the nature of things and will always happen .

  15. 结果发现:(1)思维策略的元认知外显训练和元认知内隐训练比一般思维策略训练能更有效地提商场依存型、中间型和场独立型三类学生的应用题解题能力;

    The results are as follows : ( 1 ) Meta-cognitive training , explicit training and implicit training are more effective than general thinking training in improving the three types of pupils ' abilities to solve math applied-problems .

  16. 论文对系统总体架构和各模块的功能设计进行了深入的分析,并对数据库的结构进行了详细的分析和设计,设计了用户类、管理类、题库类、成绩类等多个数据库表。

    Paper has designed lots of database tables from the user classes , management classes , exam classes , to the performance classes .

  17. 我们管这类问题叫“压力我呢提”,因为出这类题的目的就是看你在压力下如何反应。

    We call these types of questions " stress questions " because part of the intention is to see how you react under pressure .

  18. 对程序编写类题型进行了自动阅卷的尝试,初步实现代码类主观题自动阅卷功能。

    The system gives a automatic marking attempt to programming class questions , and preliminary realize the automatic marking function of code of subjective topic .

  19. 在弹性理论中,接触反问题是一类重要的问题,属于一2001年上梅大学博士学位论文类无损探伤间题。

    Inverse contact problems , as a class of non-destructive problems , are important issues in the theory of elasticity .

  20. 针对计算机基础和应用类的考试,采用ActiveX组件技术来设计基于B/S瘦客户端型的网络考试系统,并通过面向对象的技术对OFFICE类操作题实现自动阅卷和评分。

    Aimed at the exam of computer fundamental and application , the thin client testing system based on B / S is built by ActiveX . With Object Oriented Technology , an auto scoring system of OFFICE operating is implemented .