
  • 【数】spacelike
  1. 对偶地对H1~3中的类空极大曲面作了类似的讨论。

    A similar discussion is given on the spacelike maximal surfaces in H_ (?) ~ (?) .

  2. 拟欧氏空间R2~4中类空曲面的Gauss映射

    The Gauss Map of Space-like Surfaces in R_2 ~ 4

  3. 关于类空W超曲面的一个存在性定理

    An existent theorem on spacelike Weingarten hypersurface

  4. 静态AdS时空中的常平均曲率类空超曲面

    Space-Like Hypersurfaces with Constant Mean Curvature in Static AdS Space-Times

  5. 三维Minkowski空间中H-可形变的类空曲面和类时曲面

    H-deformable spacelike and timelike surfaces in 3-dimensional Minkowski space

  6. 局部对称Lorentz空间中具有常平均曲率的完备类空超曲面

    Complete space-like hypersurfaces with constant mean curvature in locally symmetric Lorentz spaces

  7. 特别,若M的生成空间是类空的或类时的,则当k≥2时,M全测地与全脐等价。

    Specially , when k ≥ 2 and the generating spaces are spacelike or timelike , they are totally geodesic if and only if they are totally umbilical .

  8. 局部对称Lorentz空间中的类空超曲面

    Space-like Hypersurfaces in Locally Symmetric Lorentz Spaces

  9. Anti-DeSitter空间中紧致类空超曲面的积分公式

    Integral Formula for Compact Space-like Hypersurfaces in Anti-de Sitter Space

  10. 对一类空时分组码(STBC)进行了扩展,并将其用于协作分集网络中。

    A new type of space time block code ( STBC ) is expanded and utilized in cooperative diversity networks .

  11. de-Sitter空间中的类空图方程

    Spacelike graph equation in de-Sitter space

  12. 概述了ATM交换机的基本性能和一般模型,对其交换结构进行了分类,着重讨论了实现大型ATM交换的几类空分结构,并提出了混合交换结构和智能引擎的新构想。

    The basic performance and general model of ATM switch is presented and classified according to its fabric . The emphasis is put on some sorts of large scale space division ATM switching fabric . New ideas of hybrid switching fabric and intelligence engine are also proposed .

  13. 讨论了在局部对称Lorentz空间中的具有常标准数量曲率的满足一定曲率条件的完备类空超曲面,利用ChengSY和YauST介绍的自伴随算子L1,得到了一个分类定理。

    In this paper , we study complete space-like hypersurfaces with constant normal scalar curvature in a locally symmetric Lorentz space satisfying some curvature conditions . With the operator L_1 introduced by Cheng S Y and Yau S T , a classified theorem is obtained .

  14. 利用可积系统的思想,借助三维Minkowski空间L3的矩阵模型,研究了L3中具有调和逆平均曲率的类空曲面和洛伦兹调和逆平均曲率类时曲面的可积性及其形变。

    Using the matrix models of 3-dimensional Minkowski space , the author applies the integrable system theory to discuss the deformation properties and integrability on the spacelike surfaces with harmonic inverse mean curvature and the timelike surfaces with Lorentz harmonic inverse mean curvature .

  15. 给出(n,1)型Lorentz-Minkowski空间中给定主曲率函数的旋转类空超曲面的位置向量场,通过计算超曲面的主曲率,证明了这类超曲面的存在性。

    The paper gives the position vector field of the rotational spacelike hypersurface in Lorentz-Minkowski space . After computing the principal curvatures and solving the differential equation system , it proves the existence of the rotational spacelike hypersurface about given principal curvature function in Lorentz-Minkowski space .

  16. 讨论了与Hessian阵本征值函数有关的非线性椭圆型方程.作为应用,对n维Minkowski空间中预定主曲率对称多项式的类空超曲面方程的Dirichlet型问题给出了解的存在性。

    The author discussed a sort of the fully nonlinear second order elliptic equations about the function of eigenvalues of Hessian matrix . Finally , as an application , the Dirichlet problem of spacelike hypersurfaces with prescribed function of principal curvatures in n - Minkowski space is established and solved .

  17. 伪球面中的常曲率类空极小球面

    A space - like minimal sphere with constant curvature of the pseudo sphere

  18. 类空事件先后顺序的几何描述

    Geometry Description of Space-like Events In Order of Priority

  19. 局部对称洛仑兹流形的类空超曲面

    Space-like Hypersurfaces in a locally symmetric Lorentzian manifold

  20. 伪欧空间中类空向量、类空子空间的夹角

    The Angles Between Two Space-like Vectors and Between Two Space-like Subspaces in Pseudo-Euclidean Space

  21. 利用对偶速度的概念,定义了物质运动的类时表象和类空表象。

    On the basis of the concept of the dual velocity this paper also discusses the timelike and space - like representations of the timelike and spacelike motions .

  22. 类空分离的两用户分享一对非最大纠缠粒子对,两用户分别引入辅助粒子。

    Space-like separated two users share a pair of non-maximally entangled particles . To enhance the remote entanglement , each of the two users will introduce an ancilla .

  23. 本文直接以平底势计算得到的赝标介子波函数,在欧氏空间中计算出物理的0~-介子的类空电磁形状因子。

    The physical space-like electromagnetic form factor has been calculated directly from the Euclidean 0 ~ - meson wave functions solved for the flat bottom potential in the Euclidean space .

  24. 研究局部对称共形平坦洛伦兹流形中的2-调和类空超曲面,得到它对外围空间的一个拼挤定理。

    In this paper , we study 2-harmonic spacelike hypersurfaces in a locally symmetric and conformally flat lorentz manifold and obtain a pinching theorem of the class of hypersurfaces to the ambient manifold .

  25. 在广义热力学第二定律的基础上,利用耗散结构理论和类空关联事实,着重从物理学角度讨论了灵感思维的产生机制。

    Then , the mechanism is discussed on the inspiration thought , it attaches importance to the physical context by means of the spacelike correlation and the theory of dissipative structure based on the second law of generalized thermodynamics .

  26. 本文证明了一对全和全对全两类占空比感知的最低延迟广播调度问题都是NP完全问题。

    This thesis proves that one-to-all and all-to-all duty-cycle-aware minimum-latency broadcast scheduling ( DCA-MLBS ) problems are NP-complete .

  27. 第三章由MIMO信道容量公式得出空时编码的理论基础,同时介绍了空时编码的编码准则,并对三类主要空时码加以分析和比较;

    The third chapter provides the theory about the STC based on multiple-input and multiple-output ( MIMO ) channel capacity formula , and derives the criteria of STC , and then compares the performance of the three primary kinds of STC .

  28. 这个方法还会将正在显示的子类清单置空。

    This method also blanks out the list of subcategories being displayed .

  29. 您如何知道一个类是否是空的?

    How can you tell whether a class is empty ?

  30. 其结论是:在汉语兼语句中确实存在空语类,且空语类的句法分布因兼语句类型的不同而有所不同。

    The conclusion is that Chinese BC sentences do contain ECs whose distribution varies among different types .