
  • 网络type map;type graph
  1. 并在GIS支持下,绘制了该区1:3.5万土地类型图。

    With GIS supporting , a 1:35000 land type map was set up .

  2. 本文以兰州市土地利用数据库的数据为基础,从景观生态学的理论知识出发,在GIS技术的支持下,首先生成兰州市的景观类型图。

    At first , the landscape type map of Lanzhou city was generated with the support of GIS technology from the view of basic theories of landscape ecology .

  3. AUTOCAD软件编制草地类型图方法的研究

    Research on Methods of Editing Grassland Type Maps Using Auto CAD

  4. 运用3S技术和野外数据作出了植被类型图,并对该流域植被进行了分类,该流域共有7个植被型,14个植被亚型,31个群系,植被类型多样性丰富。

    There are 7 vegetation types , 14 vegetation subtypes , 31 formations . The diversity of vegetation is relatively rich .

  5. 在土地类型图、土地利用现状图、坡度图和土壤类型图制作的基础上,首次利用GIS技术进行图件叠加,生成了土地生态经济单元图。

    After they being created , land type diagram , the actual land using condition diagram , slope diagram and the soil type diagram were added by GIS to get the land eco-economy diagram .

  6. 这篇文章在伽罗瓦域上的代数构造和关于一些特定类型图的Ramsey数之间建立了一个关系。

    This paper establishes a connection between a certain class of Ramsey numbers for graphs and algebraic constructions .

  7. 在Arc;Info的支持下,将山地灾害图形数据库和土地资源类型图进行空间叠置分祈,得到各土地资源类型的灾害密度和灾发率。

    Under the support of Arc / Info , by overlaping the mountain disasters on the land resource type , the density of disasters and ratio of disaster occurrence are gained .

  8. 收集和整理河北省鸡形目鸟类的分布资料,借助GIS的绘图功能,把解译的遥感影像数据数字化为植被类型图和地貌图;

    The geographical distribution of Galliformes in Hebei Province was analyzed by use of the correlative references of the distribution . The RS image was digitized to the vegetation map and the geomorphologic map utilizing the drawing function of GIS techniques .

  9. 以1∶5万土壤类型图为数据基础,采用景观生态学结构定量分析方法,并以GIS技术为分析手段,对鲁西北地区土壤资源在空间上的分布格局进行了定量研究。

    This paper takes 1 : 50,000 soil type figure as dada base , adopts quantitative analysis for the structure of landscape ecology , using GIS technology as analysis method and conducts quantitative study on soil resources in north-west Shandong and their space distribution .

  10. 利用ERDAS的非监督分类和监督分类对遥感影像进行解译,结合实地调查生成了周边地区土地利用类型图;

    Translated the remote sensing reflection and investigated the spot by unsupervised classification and supervised classification of ERDAS . As a result , the periphery district land utilization type picture was generated .

  11. 取1990年、1995年、2000年和2005年4个时相覆盖广州市的TM遥感影像为数据源,经非监督分类及人工目视解译,获得研究区各时相土地覆被类型图。

    Four TM remote sensing images of Guangzhou in 1990 , 1995 , 2000 and 2005 were taken as data for the present study . The images fully covered the area of Guangzhou . The data sources of land-cover landscape were translated under manual and un-supervised interpretations with GIS software .

  12. 最小值出现在11月,只占3-11月平均NPP值的2.58%。(4)通过三峡库区的植被类型图,得到不同植被类型对应的NPP值。

    The minimum NPP value for month appeared in November , shared 2.58 % of the average NPP from March to November . ( 4 ) Got the NPP that respectively corresponding to the different types of vegetation by mask processing the mean NPP .

  13. 因此,在目前气候要素之一的多年平均的地表反照率研究较少的情况下,利用多年平均NCEPNCAR再分析资料与土地利用类型图进行回归处理不失为是一种相对合理的方法。

    Therefore , with few studies of monthly mean surface albedo , the method presented in this study is relatively rational to estimate monthly mean surface albedo by using NCEP / NCAR reanalysis radiation data and land use cover map .

  14. 本论文以郑州市蔬菜基地为例,通过外业调查并结合室内分析,利用spot-5影像图、土地利用现状图、土壤类型图以及社会和经济资料。

    This thesis takes vegetable base of Zhengzhou as a case , use spot-5 image through outside & investigation and lab analysis in door , using land use current map and the social and economic data .

  15. 数字化彩色红外片在编制森林类型图上的利用

    The use of colour infrared photograph in creating forest typs map

  16. 中国地热系统类型图及其简要说明

    The map of geothermal system types in China and its brief explanation

  17. 最新中国近海陆架底质类型图

    Map of the newest bottom - material types of China offshore continental shelf

  18. 综合制图中类型图的编制特点及其机助概括的探讨

    Typological maps Complication and Computer-aided generalization in Complex mapping

  19. 微机辅助编制土壤侵蚀类型图研究

    The Study on Computer-assisted Soil Erosion Type Mapping

  20. 利用地理信息系统方法编制腾冲土地类型图

    Mapping land types in Tengchong by GIS Approach

  21. 草场植被类型图测制方法的实践

    Practice on the surveying and mapping method for the type of vegetation map of grass land

  22. 生态分类系统是确定、描述和绘制生态系统类型图的方法。

    Ecological Classification System ( ECS ) is a method to identify , characterize , and map ecosystems .

  23. 将各区景观类型图进行接边处理,得到整个东北区的景观类型图。

    In the end , the whole landscape classification map of Northeast China was produced by uniting each region .

  24. 半荒漠地区天然草场类型图的编制及载畜量估算&以内蒙古伊克昭盟公卡汉苏木为例

    Compilation of the Map of the Type of Natural Grassland and the Calculation of Its Carrying Capacity in Semi-desert Area

  25. 本文是编制1:5万中低产水稻土障碍类型图的初步偿试。

    An attempt to make this kind of map on the scale of 1 : 50000 is presented in this article .

  26. 得到了油水两相分散流的局部含油率分布类型图。

    Based on the experimental data , local phase fraction distribution pattern of oil and water two-phase dispersed flow is obtained .

  27. 勾画出研究地区三个时期的景观要素斑块类型图。

    Three stages vegetation landscape patch mosaic maps of study area are drawn and edited as basic data source for the project .

  28. 应用遥感信息和微机辅助制图是土壤侵蚀类型图更新和土壤侵蚀动态监测的发展方向。

    Using remote sensing data and computer-assisted mapping are the developmental direction for renewing soil erosion type maps and dynamic surveying soil erosion .

  29. 建立了纸坊沟流域造林立地本底数据库,编制出1:1万造林立地类型图,全流域共划分出396个立地类型图斑,基本查清了纸坊沟流域的造林立地类型现状。

    The database of afforestation site background is created . The 1:10000 afforestation site type map is compiled , which include 396 units .

  30. 根据底质的粒度分析结果,编制了南海表层沉积类型图。

    Map on the bottom sediment types of the South China Sea has been compiled based on the results of grain size analysis .