
  • 网络Climatic regionalization
  1. 增施CO2能够大幅提高温室作物产量,是增加温室作物产量和提高能耗利用率的有效手段。3.基于能耗与作物潜在产量的中国温室气候区划。

    Increasing CO2 would greatly improve cucumber output , which is an effective way to increasing crop output and improving the utilization ratio of energy . 3 . Greenhouse climatic regionalization in China was carried out .

  2. 我国南方设施园艺气候区划的研究

    The climatic regionalization of protected horticulture in South China

  3. 基于GIS的浙江省茶树栽培气候区划

    Tea plant climate division in Zhejiang province base on GIS technology

  4. 基于GIS组件技术的热带作物气候区划系统研究

    Development of Tropical Crops Climate Zoning System Based on GIS Components

  5. 基于GIS的陕西省农业气候区划信息服务系统

    A GIS-based information serving system for agro-climate Zonation in Shaanxi province

  6. 基于GIS的马铃薯种植气候区划及风险区划的研究

    Potato Agricultural Climate and Harvest Risk Demarcation Using GIS Technique

  7. 基于GIS的广西香蕉种植生态气候区划研究

    Ecological and climate division of banana planting in Guangxi Based on GIS

  8. GIS技术为农业气候区划的进一步深入提供了有效的技术方法。

    GIS provides an effective method to agricultural climate mapping .

  9. 利用GIS技术对樱桃进行气候区划

    Climatic district division for cherry planting with GIS technology

  10. GIS支持下的芒果种植农业气候区划

    Agricultural climatic regionalization supported by GIS for mango planting

  11. GIS技术在宁夏枸杞气候区划中的应用

    Application of GIS for Climate mapping of Chinese Wolfberry in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region

  12. 农业区域化管理初探GIS在农业气候区划中的应用

    Application of GIS in Agricultural Climatic Zoning

  13. 基于GIS技术的内蒙古兴安盟春玉米种植气候区划

    Climate Division of Spring Maize Based on GIS Technology in Xing'an League , Inner Mongolia

  14. GIS与农业气候区划

    GIS and Agro - climatic Division

  15. GIS支持下的江西省优质早稻种植气候区划

    Climate Division of High Quality Early Rice Planting Area in Jiangxi Province on the Basis of GIS

  16. GIS在农业气候区划中的应用东北黑土区地域界定及其水土保持区划探析

    Application of GIS in Agricultural Climatic Zoning Defining of Chernozem Area and Zoning of Soil and Water Conservation in Northeastern China

  17. 蒸发比(E/E_0)指标在云南省干湿气候区划与干湿气候分类中的应用

    The Application of Evaporation Ration ( E / E_0 ) tO the Regionalization and Classification of Arid and Humid Climate of Yunnan Province

  18. 利用SPSS进行山西省气候区划

    Climatic Division with SPSS in Shanxi Province

  19. 在第三次全国农业气候区划大背景下,我们利用先进的GIS技术对陕西苹果按不同时段进行气候适宜性区划。

    Under the background of the Third National Agricultural Climate Division , we used the advanced GIS technology to do the division work of apple .

  20. 基于GIS的巴西陆稻IAPAR-9种植气候区划研究

    Climatic Zoning of Brazilian Upland Rice ( IAPAR-9 ) Planting Based upon GIS

  21. 从贵州省优质烤烟气候区划指标出发,结合威宁县高海拔地区(1900<H<2300m)种烟的实际情况,详细分析了贵州省优质烤烟气候区划指标。

    With the reality of planting tobacco in high elevation area : Weining county , Guizhou province ( 1900-2300m ), the classification indexes of the climate regionalization of high quality tobacco were analysed in detail .

  22. 正交函数排序法在县级气候区划中的应用

    Application of the Orthogonal Function Sequencing in the County-Level Climatic Division

  23. 苹果优质生产的最适气象因子和气候区划

    Optimum meteorological factors and climate divisions of apple for good quality

  24. 基于格网的重庆市柑橘种植气候区划

    Climatic district of orange planting in Chongqing based on grid net

  25. 新疆加工番茄适生种植气候区划

    Climate Division of Suitable Planting Area of Processing Tomato in Xinjiang

  26. 新疆大豆品种区划海南岛农业气候区划

    Climate and regionalization of soybean the agroclimatic regionalization of Hainan Island

  27. 山东黄淮海平原苹果品质气候区划

    Climatic Regional Distribution of Apples in Huang-Huai-Hai Plain of Shandong Province

  28. 山区农业气候区划中年平均气温空间序列的正态性研究

    Normality of Annual Mean Temperature in Climate Regionalization in Mountainous Regions

  29. 农业气候区划中资料整编系统的设计和实现

    Design and Realization of data processing system in agroclimatic classification

  30. 宁夏蚕桑气候区划的星座图分析

    Analysis on constellation map of climatic division of silkworm mulberry in Ningxia