
  • 网络Analogous estimating
  1. 类比估算是专家判断的一种形式。

    Analogous estimating is a form of expert judgment .

  2. 只有当前活动与以前活动实际上相似,而不只是在表面上相似,并且准备估算的项目团队成员具备必要的专业知识时,类比估算才最为可靠。

    Analogous estimating is most reliable when the previous activities are similar in fact and not just in appearance , and the project team members preparing the estimates have the needed expertise .

  3. 基于案例推理的类比估算方法研究与实现

    The Research and Implementation of Case-Based Reasoning to Estimation by Analogy

  4. 本文提出一种零部件的裂纹形成寿命的类比估算方法。

    A method for crack initiation life prediction of components is presented .

  5. 裂纹形成寿命的类比估算法

    An analogy method for crack initiation life prediction

  6. 随后,根据项目定位和公司历年来的成本管理经验数据,运用类比估算法得出鲁邦广场项目的估算成本。

    Then , according to the orientation of the project and historical cost management data of the company , using the method of comparing and evaluating it decides the appraisal cost .

  7. 分别采用容积法和类比法,估算出我国水溶性天然气资源潜量为12×1012~65×1012m3。

    The resources of water-Soluble gas in China is estimated 12 × 1012 ~ 65 × 1012m3 by respectively using volumetric method and analogy method .

  8. 采用统计类比法、估算法及数值模拟方法确定放顶煤中部工作阻力为5431~6206kN,可以选用ZFS5800/18/32型支架。同时,通过计算,合理地选型了采煤机及其他运输设备。

    Using the statistics analogy , estimate and numerical simulation method , the working resistance of the mid support can be defined of 5431-6206 kN , and the ZFS5800 / 18 / 32 type support is chosen .

  9. 基于类比的软件成本估算及其一种改进方法

    Analogy-Based Software Cost Estimation and Its Improvement