
  1. 使徒保罗于主后54-55年间。

    The Apostle Paul wrote it in about a.d.54-55 .

  2. 在新约圣经中,人信主后便立刻接受洗礼。

    In the New Testament , people were baptized as soon as they believed .

  3. 使徒保罗写于主后60-62年间,当时他在罗马的监狱里。

    The apostle Paul wrote it sometime during his imprisonment in Rome , around A.D.60-62 .

  4. 各种不同的文书在早期基督教中涌现,大部分出现于主后二世纪。

    So all of these different texts sprang up in early Christianity , most of them in the second century .

  5. 因此在主后二世纪时有些正统基督徒,也会用诺斯替来称呼自己。

    There are even orthodox Christians who might use the term Gnostic in the second century to refer even to themselves .

  6. 主后四世纪的圣经新旧约全书手抄本已数码化,可在网上查考。

    A fourth-century Bible that includes the earliest known complete copy of the New Testament is now available on the web .

  7. 球头立铣刀端刃等主后角刃磨法

    A Method for Clearance Face Grinding of Major Cutting Edge of a Ball nose End Milling Cutter With Equal Orthogonal Clearance Angle

  8. 让我们先回头思想昨天阅读的经文,大数的扫罗在信主后发生了彻底的改变。

    We have gone back to the thought of yesterday 's reading-the complete turn around which took place in the life of Saul of Tarsus .

  9. 主后二世纪是大量未被列入圣经的,基督教文学在不同地方涌现的时期。

    The second century was a time of a lot of Christian literature arising in different places that didn 't make it into the Bible .

  10. 在奥立振(主后253年去世)所写的玛窦注疏中,十分关注玛窦及马尔谷地理资料的重要性。

    In his Commentary on Matthew , Origen ( d.253 ) takes care to stress the importance of the geographical data in Matthew and Mark .

  11. 可加工陶瓷ZrO2/CePO4钻削过程中,硬质合金钻头的磨损主要包括3种形态:主后刀面磨损、第一副后刀面磨损和横刃磨损。

    During ZrO_2 / CePO_4 drilling processes , wear of carbide drill bit occurs in three regions , major flank , minor flank and chisel edge .

  12. 冠军联赛抽签分配令切尔西需要克服两场先主后客赛事,才可以打进决赛。何塞。穆里尼奥对此并无感到遗憾。

    Jose Mourinho has no regrets that the Champions League draw requires Chelsea to overcome two second-leg matches away from home in order to make the final .

  13. 其他如埃提阿伯的太监在信主后当场受洗;而保罗和西拉则替腓立比狱卒和他-家于深夜受洗。

    Elsewhere , an Ethiopian leader was baptized on the spot when he was converted , and Paul and Silas baptized a Philippian jailer and his family at midnight .

  14. 一些学者认为,多马福音可以追溯到主后初世纪,可能跟马可福音一样早,甚至更早。

    Some scholars believe that the Gospel of Thomas goes all the way back to the first century and may even be as early as Mark or Q or even earlier .

  15. 要组织最佳的分区燃烧就是要在保证补充氧气足够多的前提下,找到一个尽可能小的主后喷间隔。

    In order to organize the best regionalized combustion , the interval between main injection and post injection should be as small as possible on the premise that oxygen is enough .

  16. 于是有些人就说,即便多马福音源于主后二世纪,它可能也包含了,耶稣语录更古老的版本。

    And so some people have said , even if the Gospel of Thomas itself comes from the second century it may well contain what are more ancient versions of sayings of Jesus .

  17. 随着硬件平台的发展,双重化继电保护配置方案和主后一体化思想成功地应用于电力系统主设备保护,提高了可靠性,方便了运行管理。

    Along with the development of hardware platform , it was successful to adopt redundant protection disposition scheme and integration of main and backup protection for main equipment , which raised the reliability and facilitated operation management .

  18. 通过主后刀面的磨损测试和电镜观察,考察ZrO2/CePO4钻削中的刀具磨损形态、过程以及刀具材料、刀具角度、冷却条件对刀具磨损的影响。

    Wear in major flank of drill bits was measured and observed with SEM to research types and processes of tool wear , and to analyze influences of tool material , tool angle and cooling ( condition ) on tool wear .

  19. 我们上了主路后,汽车才开起来。

    Once we were on the main road , the car really opened up .

  20. 完成了部署模型的所有步骤,并将其保存到ApplicationServer主配置后,需要验证此模型是否已经成功安装。

    Once you 've completed all the steps to deploy the model and saved it to the Application server master configuration , you need to verify that the model has installed successfully .

  21. 设置主帐户后,您只需登录并使用pingo会员页面即可创建新的子帐户或关闭现有子帐户。

    Once you 've set up your master account , you simply log in and use the pingo member 's page to create new sub accounts or to close existing ones .

  22. 利用这种方法对相对论性电子束泵浦强激光时,具有一定能谱分布的电子束穿透阳极膜,撑条(HIBACHI)及主膜后的能谱变化进行了模拟计算。

    And we use this method to calculate the electron beam 's spectrum after transmission through anode foil of diode , HIBACHI and main foil , which is used as a pumping source of laser .

  23. 兔主动脉粥样硬化后反应性的改变

    Changes of vascular reactivity in the isolated rabbit aortae with atherosclerosis

  24. 在拨起发动机的主脚架后慢慢起动发动机。

    Starting the engine slowly after pulling up the main stand .

  25. 无光焦度校正板在主镜后的牛顿光学系统的设计

    A Newton Optical System with a Zero-power Corrector after Primary Mirror

  26. 他当主教练后采取了哪些措施?

    What did he do after he became head coach ?

  27. 这次拍卖是在物主死后举行的。

    An estate was to be disposed of , the owner having died .

  28. 农用运输车前桥主销后倾角的设计

    Front axle kingpin caster angle design of farm transporter

  29. 通常主销后倾角调整不是必需的,因而此处不再阐述!

    A caster adjustment is normally not necessary and is therefore not present !

  30. 主破裂后明显的裂缝贯穿整个拼合岩样。

    The fissures pass throughout the whole segmented sample obviously after the main fracture .