
zhǔ xù hòu
  • post-main sequence
主序后[zhǔ xù hòu]
  1. 恒星的主序后演化

    The Post Main Sequence Evolution of Stars

  2. 利用二体问题的中心体变质量的Jeans理论估计了太阳目前在主序阶段和将来后主序(红巨星)阶段由于上述两种机制造成的质量损失对地球轨道改变的长期效应。

    The influences of solar mass-loss on the change rate of the semi-major axis and the orbital period of the earth could be happened while the Sun stays on the main-sequence and evolves as a red giant on the post-main sequence .

  3. 对它们空间分布的研究表明:这些星属于极端星族Ⅰ,从而为进一步研究主序前和主序后中等和大质量恒星的演化提供较为完备的观测对象。

    The Galactic distribution shows that most of them belong to extreme population I , and indicates the objects listed in this catalogue could mostly be stars of intermediate and high mass either in the pre - or post-main-sequence stage .