
  • 网络PID;principal ideal domain
  1. 本文的主要结果如下:1.刻画了特征不为3且2为可逆元的主理想整环上对称矩阵模到全矩阵模的保逆线性映射的形式。

    The main results obtained in this thesis are as follows : 1 . We characterized linear maps preserving inverses of matrices from symmetric matrix modules onto matrix modules over a principal ideal domain of characteristic not 3 and suppose 2 is a unit . 2 .

  2. 交换主理想整环上交错矩阵的距离与极大集

    Maximal Sets of Alternate Matrices over a Principal Ideal Domain

  3. 证得非交换主理想整环R上右齐次线性方程组基础解系存在定理,给出R上右线性方程组解的表示。

    This paper proves the existence theorem of the system of basic solutions for the right homogeneous linear equation sets over a non-commutative principal ideal domain R and gives the representation of the solutions for the right linear equation sets over R.

  4. 本文讨论了主理想整环的商环的乘法半群上的格林关系,确定了H-类的Sch櫣tzenberger群。

    This paper investigates the multiplicative semigroup of a quotient ring of a principal ideal domain , characterizes Green 's relations and Sch ü tzenberger groups for H-classes .

  5. 非交换主理想整环上的右线性方程组

    System of Right Linear Equations over a Non-Commutative Principal Ideal Domain

  6. 主理想整环的商环的乘法半群结构

    The structure of multiplicative Semigroups of quotient rings for principal ideal comains

  7. 非交换主理想整环上分块矩阵的秩

    The Rank of Partitioned Matrices over Non-commutative Principal Ideal Domain

  8. 主理想整环上的矩阵方程

    The matrix equations over a principal ideal domain

  9. 特征数≠2的非交换主理想整环上线性群的自同构

    On the automorphism of linear groups over a non-commutative principal ideal domain of characteristic ≠ 2

  10. [1]中给出主理想整环上有限生成模的自同态环的一个结构定理,其证明过程有一处疏误,本文更正了[1]的证明。

    In this paper the author showed a mistake of a proff on a theorem in [ 1 ] , and gave a correct proff .