
  1. 关于电视新闻类主持人节目的传播者。

    Firstly , the communicator in the TV news program .

  2. 主持人节目二维分类法的研究

    A Study on the Two-dimensional TV Program Classification

  3. 论主持人节目的口语体特征

    On spoken language styles of program anchors

  4. 男女有别。试论主持人节目的互动传播模式&由解魅《非常男女》说开去

    Differences between men and women . On the Model of Interactive Communication in Compering a Program ── Thoughts on About Romance

  5. 论文首先分析现有主持人节目分类方法,并提出其症结所在,即分类标准混乱、分类结果交叉。

    The article first analyzes the crux of current programs classification , that is the classification criteria are chaotic and the classification results are overlapping .

  6. 最后,运用定性与定量相结合的方法来论述二维分类法中的主持人节目类型相对应的节目主持人的素质要求,并最终总结出节目主持人的基本素质。

    Finally , using the qualitative and quantitative methods to deal with the program types of two-dimensional classification and the corresponding quality of presenters , and then summarizes the TV presenters ' basic quality .

  7. 如今的电视荧屏,形式新颖、内容丰富的主持人节目层出不穷,造成这一现象的主要原因有二:第一,随着电视节目的商业化,市场竞争日趋激烈。

    Now , the program which has innovative form and rich content emerges one after another incessantly . The phenomenon caused by two main factors : First , with the commercialization of television , the market competition became more and more intensely .

  8. 本文希望通过对我国电视新闻类主持人节目的审美研究,剖析电视新闻类主持人节目的审美价值,从而发现并找到提高电视新闻类主持人节目美学品位的途径。

    The current paper aims to illustrate the aesthetic value of TV news program with host by analyzing the aesthetic functions of the news programs on TV , so as to find way to improve the aesthetic taste of TV news program with host .

  9. 这档节目预计有15集,科比将会担任编剧、制作人以及主持人,节目的合作双方为科比的GranityStudios以及ESPN,有7集节目是为了总决赛设定的。

    There are 15 episodes of hoops analysis scheduled , with Bryant credited as the writer , producer and host . The venture is a partnership between ESPN and Bryant 's Granity Studios . Seven of those episodes are planned for the Finals .

  10. 把握栏目主持人与节目主持人的异同,有利于节目主持艺术的发展。

    The emcee is different from the master of column .

  11. 第二,主持人把节目办得既生动又有趣;

    Secondly , the host has the ability to make the program lively and interesting .

  12. 主持人在节目中起主导作用,国外电视界把主持人视为提高节目收视率的关键人物。

    Host of programs plays a leading role in a program , and in foreign TV field .

  13. 与传统的温顺的女性形象相反的是,女主持人在节目中表现得机智幽默,很有竞争力。

    Female presenters , in contrast with traditional submissive female models , are found to be witty and competitive in studio settings .

  14. 电视谈话节目是一种以谈话为主的节目形态,主持人是节目的灵魂,其语言对节目的成败起着至关重要的作用。

    TV talk show is a kind of program form based on " conversation ", the host is the soul of the program , and the language used by the host plays a vital role in the TV talk show .

  15. 美国深夜脱口秀(鸡毛秀)的主持人吉米•科莫尔的节目中总是包含一个整人单元“LieWitnessNews”。

    US late night talk show host Jimmy Kimmel features a recurring " Lie Witness News " section in his program .

  16. 我更喜欢没有主持人的综艺节目。

    I prefer a variety show without a host .

  17. 在今天的播报中,中央电视台著名新闻节目主持人在直播节目几小时之前被警方逮捕。

    In today 's podcast , a popular CCTV news anchor is detained hours before his show airs .

  18. 电视新闻访谈节目其实质就是新闻叙事,而主持人在主持节目过程中如何行使话语权则是新闻叙事的重要方面。

    In nature , TV talk show is news recounting which connects with the host 's speech privilege performance .

  19. 因自称喜欢食用炖猫,意大利国家电视台中止了该主持人的烹饪节目演播。

    Italian state TV has suspended a cooking show host who shocked the nation by saying enjoying cat stew .

  20. 这一研究对语言力在主持人在访谈节目中的话语应用做出了有意义的探索。

    The study on language in the chat show host in discourse in the application to make a meaningful exploration .

  21. 主持人:电视节目的文化身份&略谈西部电视业发展的主持人策略

    ANCHOR : CULTURAL IDENTITY OF PROGRAM ON TV & On Anchor s Strategies of TV Development the West of China

  22. 现今76岁高龄的拉里-金是个经验的主持人,他的节目拉里-金现场秀节目也有25年的历史了。但就在去年,收视率居然下滑了一半。

    The broadcasting veteran , 76 , has hosted the nightly Larry King Live show for25 years but , within the last year , ratings have slumped by nearly half .

  23. 同时新闻访谈也是对传统的叙述性或故事类新闻的有力补充。电视新闻访谈节目其实质就是新闻叙事,而主持人在主持节目过程中如何行使话语权则是新闻叙事的重要方面。

    It also serves as an influential alternative to the traditional narrative or story form of news presentation . In nature , TV talk show is news recounting which connects with the host 's speech privilege performance .

  24. 以主持人名字命名电视节目的应用价值研究

    Study on the Application Value for TV Programs in Name of Host or Hostess

  25. 主持人作为电视访谈节目的核心力量,在节目同质化竞争日益激烈的今天,其重要作用日益突出。

    Nowadays , as the key power of TV talk shows , hosts , it plays an increasingly important role .

  26. 本文在明确明星主持人和品牌电视节目关系的基础上,借鉴国内外的成熟经验,探讨主持人明星制对于电视栏目品牌塑造的必要性和运作方式。

    This article discusses the necessities and operation of the star system of director on the basis of the system and brand programs .

  27. 分析了明星主持人在晚间新闻节目中的重要作用,并进一步阐明了对明星主持人的素质要求。

    This paper analyzes on the important function of the star anchorman in the night news program , and further expounds the requirements for the quality of the anchorman .

  28. 包括对主持人开场语言、节目语言交流过程中,主持人结尾时语言的特点及话语权交替、言语中的重复、打断现象和附加语、称呼等主持人语言的特点。

    The main issues are including host the opening language , language exchange process , the ending language and discourse right alternately , speech repetition , the phenomenon of interrupted , adjuncts , address and other characteristics of the host .

  29. 提出一种基于半屏幕主颜色直方图的主持人镜头检测方法,本方法基于主持人镜头在新闻节目中频繁出现的统计特性对主持人镜头进行检测。

    A new method for anchorperson shot detection is presented based on histograms of primary colors in half screen , where detection is in accordance with the frequencies of anchorperson shot in the news .

  30. 通过对《本周》中主持人的风格、有声语言的分析,得出主持人在新闻节目中如何讲好故事,怎样更具吸引力的方法。

    By analyzing the host 's style and his speech sound in This Week , it is concluded how a host can narrate stories in news programs with more appeal .