
  • 网络spindle;Spindle motor;main motor
  1. 机床主轴电机的选择研究

    Study on selection for the spindle motor of machine tool

  2. 根据设计需求,选用无位置传感器的无刷直流电机作为主轴电机,并采用电流环和速度环的双闭环控制系统以及PWM脉宽调速技术。

    In order to meet the demand of the system precision , choose the sensor less brushless DC motor as the spindle motor , and adopts the current loop and speed loop double closed loop control system and PWM pulse width modulation technology .

  3. 基于ANSYS的陶瓷过滤机主轴电机斜撑支架的可行性分析

    Feasibility Analysis on Bracing Bracket of Spindle Motor in Ceramic Filter Based on ANSYS

  4. 主轴电机采用交流异步电机,设计了单神经元直接模型参考自适应下的空间矢量控制方式速度控制策略,并通过DSP实现。

    SVPWM control technique realized on DSP microcontroller and the single neuron model reference adaptive control method is applied in this system .

  5. 设计了主轴电机的水冷系统,并通过ANSYS仿真得到水冷系统的冷却效果。

    A water cooling system of spindle system is designed . And the effect of water cooling system is simulated by ANSYS .

  6. 研制了基于DSP为核心的运动控制系统,设计了绣筐电机和主轴电机等硬件控制模块电路,实现高速绣作硬件设计。

    The motion control system module is designed based on DSP which includes some hardware control modules such as taboret motor and principle axis motor . 3 .

  7. 基于PMC窗口功能的主轴电机转速监控调速电动机额定转速

    Monitor and Control for Revolution Speed of Spindle Motor Based on PMC Windows Function

  8. 采用CNC-PLC模拟量单元的数据及信号处理环节,用变频器来实现对砂轮主轴电机的控制,从而保证砂轮以恒定的线速度进行研磨加工。

    Through CNC-PLC data and tache of signal disposals of simulation unit , principal axis AC motors is controlled by transducer . hence , the constant thread speed of grinding wheel combining with the principal axis motor is gained .

  9. 全套伺服控制系统,主轴电机采用进口产品,品质高;

    Believable quality Complete serve control system and electric principal axis .

  10. 最后介绍主轴电机的控制系统。

    Finally , the control system of the spindle motor is introduced .

  11. 在数控机床上通过监视主轴电机负荷实时监控刀具寿命

    Real-time Monitoring Cutting Tool Life by Monitoring Spindle Motor Load of CNC machine

  12. 非导电超硬材料电火花磨削主轴电机变频调速电路的设计

    Variable Frequency Adjusting Speed Circuit Design for Spindle Motor of EDG Nonconducting Superabrasives

  13. 硬盘主轴电机流体动压轴承的有限元分析

    Finite Element Analysis of Hydrodynamic Bearings of Spindle Motor in Hard Disk Drive

  14. 交流主轴电机的设计

    Design of Alternating Current Shaft - driven Motor

  15. 本文首先从电主轴电机的结构和电磁设计方面作了归纳,比较系统化地论述了高速电主轴电机的设计理论。

    In this paper , from the structure and electromagnetism design of the motorized spindle electric motor is summary first .

  16. 本文介绍了高速加工机床用主轴电机的结构和国外生产状况。

    This paper introduces the development condition of motor spindle for the high speed cutting ( HSC ) machine tools abroed .

  17. 讨论了由主轴电机变频器获取切削功率信号的方法,以及该信号的特点;

    The method for ( obtaining ) cutting power signal by principal axis electromotor transducer and the trait of signal are discussed .

  18. 数控机床要求主轴电机能在低速时输出较大转矩,高速时有宽广的恒功率调速范围。

    CNC machine tools demands the spindle motor output larger torque at low speed and have wide constant power speed range at high speed .

  19. 本文根据主轴电机电流与刀具破损的关系,提出了一种刀具在线检测的方法。

    A new method of tool life on-line monitoring was proposed , based on the relation of the principal axis motor current and tool life .

  20. 高速工业绣花机在刺绣时,主轴电机、步进电机以及其它模块的协调运作是绣花机运动控制系统研究的重点和难点。

    The harmonious movement of main-axis motor , stepping motor and other models is the emphases and difficulty when the high speed industry embroidery working .

  21. 讨论高道密度外存储器中主轴电机的流体动压轴承中的槽形结构参数对轴承性能的影响。

    Effects of groove parameters of Hydrodynamic Bearing ( HDB ) in spindle motor for the high density storage device on its performance are discussed .

  22. 作为机床的关键部件的主轴电机,其性能的优劣,对机床的加工精度,效率等有着重要的影响。

    As the key components of machine tool spindle motor , its performance and efficiency has great influence on the machining accuracy of the machine tool .

  23. 本文在实时监测主轴电机电流信号的基础上,依据机床的相关切削参数,选择刀具磨损量为主导变量,主电机电流为二次变量。

    By measuring the main motor current real-timely , and selecting the tool wear as the main variable and the main motor current as the second variable .

  24. 对铣削过程中机床主轴电机功率的变化特征进行研究,提出一种实时检测铣刀破损的方法。

    The characteristics of the variation of machine spindle motor power in milling process are studied . A method of real-time monitoring milling cutter failure has been presented .

  25. 磁悬浮硬盘转子机电耦合动力学模型硬盘主轴电机流体动压轴承的有限元分析

    A Mechanical and Electronic Coupling Dynamic Model of Hard Disk Rotors Suspended by Active Magnetic Bearings Finite Element Analysis of Hydrodynamic Bearings of Spindle Motor in Hard Disk Drive

  26. 对自由曲面数控加工中主轴电机电流信号的提取技术进行了分析,指出了霍尔电流传感器是行之有效的方法。

    It analyzes the technique of extracting the spindle motor current of the Machining Center , correspondingly , points out that Hall current sensor is a very efficient way .

  27. 开发的重点是磨头系统的研制,即增加数控轧辊磨床主轴电机功率、提高磨削砂轮线速度、提高轧辊磨床的磨削精度、磨削效率等。

    The priority of development is grinding head system , it is that increase electrical machines of grinding machine spindle and improve grinding linear speed , grinding accuracy and efficiency etc.

  28. 永磁同步电动机弱磁难的问题一直限制着机床和加工中心主轴电机永磁同步化的发展,本文主要针对主轴永磁同步电动机电磁设计进行研究,通过优化结构增强其弱磁能力。

    The problem that the Permanent magnet synchronous motor can not weakening magnetic has been restricted to the development of a machine tool and a machining center spindle motor permanent magnetic synchronous .

  29. 使用了浮动式扭矩测量方法和主轴电机电流测量方法采集扭矩信号。

    Two methods have been used to collect a torque signal , one is the method of torque float measurement , and the other is the method of spindle motor current measurement .

  30. 在其它条件一定的情况下,砂轮速度超过一定值会导致材料去除率减小,主轴电机电流急剧增大,表面粗糙度变差;

    There exists a critical rotating speed of the grinding wheel ( about 2300rpm ), beyond which the material removal rate evidently decreases and the spindle motor current and wafer surface roughness steeply increase ;