
  • 网络thematics;thematology;thematics or thematology
  1. 在历史的主题学研究中,可以朱丽叶(Judith)为例。

    The case of Judith theme serves as a typical example in the course of thematic study .

  2. 中国古代文学与文论的怨恨主题学概述

    On the theme of resentment in Ancient Chinese Literature and Literary Theory

  3. 第一章谈文化悖论的产生和主题学演变。

    Chapter one is the production of paradox and the evolution of theme .

  4. 《佛本生故事》与中朝民间故事之主题学研究

    Subject Theory Research on Stories of Buddha 's Life and Chinese and Korean Folktales

  5. 主题学研究是比较文学中一个特殊的领域,而且是一个范围极其广泛的领域。

    Thematic study is a special field of comparative literature , which ranges quite widely .

  6. 通过比较文学主题学的平行研究,可以拓宽对二位作家作品的认识。

    Through parallel comparative literature theme study , its readers may broaden the understanding of the two works .

  7. 梅花词作为一个主题学,与社会历史的发展变迁有着极为密切的关系。

    As a subject , plum blossom poem has a very close relationship with the historical development and social change .

  8. 第二、第三期重在主题学、风格学研究,适当引进了一些新方法与文化学视角;

    The second and the third emphasized the study of mythos and style , with some indraught of new methods and some view of culturalology ;

  9. 只有将主题学与心态史沟通,才有可能更为切近历史和精神史。

    Only when the subject of theme communicate with the history of mental , can it close to the history and the history of spirit .

  10. 论文利用女性主义理论,结合主题学、叙事学、现象学等理论,从小说主题、文本叙事、价值意义层面展开论述。

    Thesis using feminist theory , combined with the theme of science , narrative , phenomenological theory , discussed from the theme of the novel , the narrative text , value and significance level .

  11. 这表明:对于同一部作品,传统主题学和思想史式的文学评论只能描述作品的一般特性和表层意义,采用形式美学的方法才能发现它的深层意蕴。

    The traditional method of theme analysis and meditation analysis can only reveal the common and superficial meaning of a text while the method of formal aesthetics can explore the deep meaning of a text .

  12. 选择你感兴趣的主题来学英语

    Study English by Choosing Topics that Interest You

  13. 20世纪以来,大都市区治理机制选择一直是美国公共政策的关键主题,学界围绕巨人政府论、多中心治理和新区域主义等治理机制展开了激烈的争论。

    Regional governance in metropolitan areas has been a key public policy topic since the 20 ~ ( th ) century . Some scholars make a heated argument about the theory of gigantic government , the polycentric governance and the new regionalism .

  14. 课程的第二个主题是方法学。

    A second theme of the course is methodological .

  15. 作为经典性文本,《十二个》的政治革命主题已为学界所公认。

    As a classical text , Twelves political revolutionary theme has been universally recognized by the academia .

  16. 从ASIS&T年会主题看情报学研究的热点及发展

    Hotspot and Development Trend of Information Science from the Perspectives of the Topics in the Annual Meetings of ASIS & T

  17. 摘要客观的宗教现象学是不可能的,因为它将是一个没有主题的现象学:客观的视野是把宗教主体的存在性关怀排除在外的。

    In this paper I argue that an objective phenomenology of religion is an impossible project since the existential concern of the religious subject has been suspended from the perspective of objectivity .

  18. 一般主题:把行为学方法应用于人类心理学结构,例如智力、意识等。(PDF)

    General topic : Applying the Ethological Approach to Human Psychological Constructs such as Intelligence , Consciousness , etc. ( PDF )

  19. 现在,我想要谈论的主题是关于差生学英语。

    And my topic is about how poor students learn English .

  20. 现代性的主题分化与社会学研究范式整合

    The Subject Differentiation of Modernity and the Integration of Sociological Research Paradigms

  21. 我国图书馆工作者发表循证医学主题文献的计量学分析

    Evidence-based medicine literature published by the Chinese librarians : a bibliometric analysis

  22. 基于主题地图的土家学知识组织研究

    Research on Knowledge Organization of the Subject of Tujia Based on Topic Maps

  23. 高科技时代的科学哲学主题:科学论题学

    Topics of Science : The Theme of the Philosophy of Science in High-tech Era

  24. 从分类主题论文看图书馆学研究的方向与趋势&基于十种图书馆学核心期刊五年载文的分析

    Trend in the Study of Library Science by Analyzing the Classified Subject of Articles

  25. 这一研究主题体现在类型学研究和个案研究等两个方面。

    Such a theme can be unwrapped into two aspects : typological studies and case studies .

  26. 一些宿舍会有个主题,就像国际学舍一样,学生在里面可以学习到其他文化。

    Some dorms have a theme , like an international house , where students can learn about other cultures .

  27. 其广泛的主题涵盖了认知学的每一个领域,并向我们展示了该学科当前的思想。

    The broad range of topics covers each of the areas in the field of cognition , and presents the current thinking in this discipline .

  28. 语言变异在文掌作品中具有重要的文体功能,运用恰当能更好地表达和加强文学作品的主题意义和荚学效果。

    Variation in literary works plays a very important role in stylistics . If used appropriately it can better express the theme of the literary works and strengthen their aesthetic effects .

  29. 寻求中国出路是近代以来中国社会的主题,西方社会学的传入与中国社会学的形成与发展便是顺应了这一主题。

    Since modern times , it has been the main topic of Chinese society to look for the way to develop China , which led to the introduction of western sociology and the formation and development of Chinese sociology .

  30. 本文把一般的主题研究方法和比较文学的主题学研究方法相结合,从共同母题的书写和不同时期对母题的变奏主题中描述20世纪女性战争小说。

    The research approach combines general theme research together with comparative literature theme research in this thesis , and uses common motif writing and the variation theme of motif in different periods to describing the war novels of women of the 20th century .