
  • Rebecca;Rebekah;Rebecca Loos
  1. 我宁愿把时间花在丽贝卡身上也不愿花在厨房里。

    I would rather invest time in Rebecca than in the kitchen .

  2. 因为结婚,丽贝卡从伦敦移居到了曼彻斯特。

    Marriage had transplanted Rebecca from London to Manchester

  3. 据《女装日报》(Women’sWearDaily)报道,卡塞勒尚在世的亲人包括妻子丽贝卡(Rebecca)以及他们的两个儿子,还有他上一次婚姻中的三个孩子。

    Mr. Carcelle is survived by his wife , Rebecca , and their two sons , as well as by three children from a previous marriage , Women 's Wear Daily reported .

  4. 再如,思科(Cisco)的IT总监丽贝卡•雅各比通过要求员工使用自己的笔记本电脑,降低了成本,增加了员工的责任感。

    Or how Cisco ( CSCO ) it chief Rebecca Jacoby has lowered costs and increased employee accountability by letting employees choose their own laptops .

  5. 此前,默多克的最高层管理人员,新闻国际首席执行官丽贝卡•布鲁克斯(RebekahBrooks)宣布辞职。

    Earlier , one of his most senior executives , Rebekah Brooks , resigned as chief executive of News International .

  6. 《全球创业观察》报告作者、伦敦商学院(LondonBusinessSchool)的丽贝卡o哈丁(RebeccaHarding)表示,在英国有一股创业热潮,人们甚至将其称为“新型摇滚”。

    There is a buzz about entrepreneurship in the UK that has led some to call it the new rock'n " roll , according to Rebecca Harding , the GEM report 's author at London Business School .

  7. 去年3月,格拉斯哥时装设计师丽贝卡•托雷斯(RebeccaTorres)在北京进行贸易访问时发现,买家对苏格兰短裙和格子呢长裤真的很感兴趣。

    On a trade visit to Beijing in March last year , Glasgow-based fashion designer Rebecca Torres found that buyers were really into kilts and tartan trousers .

  8. 在纽约拥有一家公关公司的丽贝卡布鲁克斯(rebeccabrooks)开始借助“tweeting”功能向她在twitter的联系人发布招聘广告,twitter是一个免费的微型博客服务网站。

    Rebecca Brooks , who owns a PR agency in New York , has taken to " tweeting " job advertisements to her followers on twitter , the free mini-blogging service .

  9. 据NPR新闻的丽贝卡·亚伯拉罕报道,哈格曼最为人所熟知的角色是电视剧《朱门恩怨》中让美国人又爱又恨的那个男人。

    NPR 's Rebecca Abrahams reports Hagman was best known as the man Americans loved to hate , the star of the TV series , Dallas .

  10. 此前,默多克旗下最高层的管理人员之一丽贝卡•布鲁克斯(RebekahBrooks)因涉嫌电话窃听和行贿,在伦敦被捕。

    Earlier , Rebekah Brooks , formerly one of Mr Murdoch 's most senior executives , was arrested in London on suspicion of phone hacking and corruption .

  11. 例如,佳士得给威尼斯艺术家弗朗西斯科·丰泰巴索(FrancescoFontebasso)在18世纪中叶创作的油画《井边的丽贝卡和埃利泽》(RebeccaandEliezerattheWell)的最低估价为12万英镑。

    In one example , Christie 's was offering the mid-18th-century canvas " Rebecca and Eliezer at the Well " by the Venetian artist Francesco Fontebasso at a low estimate of 120000 .

  12. 丽贝卡对他的境遇很感动,因此通过Facebook同他取得联系,以帮助他获得由NHS付款的第二次手术,帮助梅森去掉多余皮层。

    She was so touched by his plight that Rebecca got in touch via Facebook keen to help Mr Mason in his bid to get the NHS to pay for a second operation to rid him of layers of excess skin .

  13. 为了重新站稳脚跟,Gap最近取消了由明星设计顾问丽贝卡o贝担任的创意总监一职。加盟Gap仅两年的丽贝卡,此前曾成功推出H&M旗下高端品牌Cos。

    In an effort to find its footing again , Gap recently eliminated the role of creative director that had been held by star design consultant Rebekka Bay , whom it had hired just over 2 years earlier after she successfully launched H & M 's upscale Cos brand .

  14. 北佛罗里达大学(UniversityofNorthFlorida)心理学教授丽贝卡·A·马尔孔(RebeccaA.Marcon)对343名参加学前教育的儿童进行了研究,其中有的学前班“以学业为导向”,有的鼓励“儿童自发”学习,或者介于两者之间。

    Rebecca A. Marcon , a psychology professor at the University of North Florida , studied 343 children who had attended a preschool class that was " academically oriented , " one that encouraged " child initiated " learning , or one in between .

  15. 丽贝卡(Rebecca)有一个兄弟,现在和我们中的一个人结了婚,常常发现自己身边都是丈夫的独生子女朋友。她承认,她认为我们专横、自私、过于敏感。

    Rebecca , who grew up with a brother but is now married to one of us and often finds herself surrounded by her husband 's only friends , admits to seeing us as bossy , selfish and oversensitive .

  16. Jack最先发现火情并采取了行动,他让丽贝卡准备了几条湿毛巾,随后便穿过火焰去救兰德尔和凯特(凯文当晚不在家)。

    Jack is the first to notice the fire and he springs into action ( obviously , because he 's Jack Pearson ) , telling Rebecca to wet some towels before he braves the flames to rescue Randall and Kate ( Kevin wasn 't home the night of the fire ) .

  17. deltaeconomics的创始人、全球创业观察报告的作者之一丽贝卡哈丁(rebeccaharding)表示:“在对培育英国创业文化强调了这么多之后,现在我们应该关注如何将积极的态度转化为积极的意愿。”

    Rebecca Harding , founder of delta economics and co-author of the gem report , said : " after so much emphasis on creating an entrepreneurial culture in the UK , we should now focus on the process of converting our positive attitudes into positive intentions . "

  18. 去年3月,格拉斯哥时装设计师丽贝卡•托雷斯(RebeccaTorres)在北京进行贸易访问时发现,买家“对苏格兰短裙和格子呢长裤真的很感兴趣”。但她也发现几家中国供应商的名称听上去颇具苏格兰特色。

    On a trade visit to Beijing in March last year , Glasgow-based fashion designer Rebecca Torres found that buyers " were really into kilts and tartan trousers . " But she also discovered several Chinese suppliers with names that sounded surprisingly Scottish .

  19. 格尔丁克说,可能在乌克兰的迹象于2004年首次浮出水面,当时荷兰警方在一个乌克兰网站发现一张彩色照片,上面是一张遗失的油画——林森的《丽贝卡与艾丽泽》(RebeccaandEliezer)。

    Mr. Geerdink said the first indication that they might be there surfaced in 2014 , when a Dutch police detective discovered a color image of one of the missing art works , " Rebecca and Eliezer , " by Linsen , on a Ukrainian website .

  20. 奥纬咨询英国主管丽贝卡•埃默森(RebeccaEmerson)表示:“金融服务业在增加女性领导人方面进展缓慢。按照当前的增长速度,执行委员会还需要30年(到2048年)才能达到女性占30%的程度。”

    Rebecca Emerson , UK head of Oliver Wyman , said : " There 's been slow progress in getting more women leaders in financial services . At the current rate it will take a further 30 years ( by 2048 ) for executive committees to reach 30 per cent female representation . "

  21. 丽贝卡收到波士顿音乐学校寄来的录像带。

    Rebecca gets a videotape from the Boston School of Music .

  22. 丽贝卡:看上去像小一号的你。说真的,太矮了一点。

    Rebecca : It looks like a smaller version of yourself .

  23. 如果有人说:我特喜欢丽贝卡布莱克!

    If someone told you : I really like Rebecca Black !

  24. 合并对康奈克斯石油公司而言是必须的,丽贝卡。

    It 's a merger of necessity for connex , rebecca .

  25. 你绝不能使丽贝卡信服;她是一个头脑迟钝的人。

    You 'll never convince rebecca ; she 's a lardhead .

  26. 抱歉,丽贝卡,事情对我就是这样。

    Sorry , Rebecca , but this is it for me .

  27. 丽贝卡:妈妈,小弟弟是从天堂来的吗?

    Rebecca : mum , did baby brother come from heaven ?

  28. 她看上去远不像丽贝卡年纪那样大。

    She doesn 't look anywhere near as old as rebecca .

  29. 你是认为嫌犯和丽贝卡有某种联系。

    You think that the killer had some connection to rebecca .

  30. 丽贝卡归来:浪漫小说范式的经典化

    The Return of " Rebecca ": On Canonization of Paradigmatic Romance