
jiǔ xiào lín
  • Monocrotophos;Azodrin;moncrotophos;Monocron;Nuvacron
久效磷[jiǔ xiào lín]
  1. 久效磷在悬铃木植株体内动态分布的研究

    Research on the Dynamic Distribution of Azodrin in Plane Tree

  2. 久效磷对中国对虾体内SOD活力影响的初步研究

    Studies on the Effect of Monocrotophos on SOD Activities in Penaeus chinensis

  3. UV-B辐射和久效磷对三角褐指藻DNA共同伤害效应

    The Damage Effect of UV-B Radiation and Monocrotophos on DNA of Phaeodactylum tricornutum

  4. 久效磷对中国对虾细胞超微结构的影响I.对肝胰脏和肌肉的毒性效应

    The effects of monocrotophos to the ultrastructures of cell of Penaeus chinensis I.The toxicity to hepatopancreas and muscle

  5. 对羟基苯甲醛的氧化合成Fenton试剂对久效磷的降解

    SYNTHESIS OF p-HYDROXYBENZALDEHYDE BY OXIDATION The Decomposition of Monocrotophos by Fenton Reagent

  6. 久效磷、对硫磷与大鼠血影细胞温育,对血影细胞AChE呈竞争性抑制。

    Monocrotophos and parathion with AChE in the ghosts of rats showed competitive inhibition .

  7. 在一定的浓度范围内,对久效磷和甲基对硫磷在黄河沉积物中的吸附特性进行了研究,并观察了pH值和离子强度对吸附的影响。

    Study on adsorption of monocrotophos and parathion-methyl on the sediment of Yellow River , and observation of effects of pH value and ionic strength on adsorption has been conducted .

  8. 从久效磷和SDBS对大型蚤的联合毒性结果来看,两者之间为独立关系。

    It was independent joint action between monocrotophos and SDBS .

  9. 久效磷对僧帽牡蛎(Ostreacucullata)染色体毒性效应研究

    The Chromosome Effect of Toxicity of Monocrotophos on Ostrea cucullata

  10. 久效磷对早期生长发育阶段斑马鱼GH、GHR1和IGF-I基因表达的影响

    The Effects of Monocrotophos on the Expression of GH 、 GHR1 and IGF-I of Early Developmental Stages of Zebrafish

  11. 久效磷(Monocrotophos,MCP)是一种常用的有机磷农药,已经在我国造成了严重的农药残留污染。

    Monocrotophos ( MCP ), a kind of organophosphorus pesticide in common use in the past , has made serious pollution of pesticide residues .

  12. 采用静态急性毒性试验方法,研究了久效磷对黄鳝的鳃、肝脏和肾脏组织中过氧化氢酶(CAT)和Na+,K+-ATP酶活性的影响。

    Using a static toxicity experiment method , the effects of monocrotophos ( MCP ) on CAT and Na ~ + , K ~ + - ATPase activities in the gill , liver and kidney of Monopterus albus were studied .

  13. ICP-AES法测定纺织品中的十种元素2.检测农药品种:敌敌畏、甲胺磷、甲拌磷、氧化乐果、久效磷、乐果、甲基对硫磷、毒死蜱、对硫磷、马拉硫磷,共十种。

    Determination of Ten Elements in Textiles with ICP AES Method 2 . Pesticedes : Dichlorvos , Methamidophos , Phorate , Omethoate , Monocrotophos , Dimethoate , Parathion-methyl , Chlorpyrifos , Parathion-ethyl , Malathion .

  14. 本文初步研究了Fenton试剂对久效磷的降解,分析了H2O2浓度、温度、反应时间、pH值和Fe2+浓度这五个因素对COD去除率的影响。

    The decomposition of Monocrotophos by Fenton reagent was investigated . The influence of five factors ( H2O2 concentration 、 temperature 、 reaction time 、 pH 、 Fe2 + concentration ) to COD removal efficiency was analysed .

  15. 通过构建种群生命表,观察比较了棉铃虫[Helicoverpaarmigera(H櫣bner)]对久效磷抗性品系和敏感性品系的一系列生长发育和繁殖特征。

    The effects of monocrotophos resistance on fitness of cotton bollworm , Helicoverpa armigera ( H ü bner ), were evaluated in terms of developmental and reproductive characteristics by constructing life table of resistant strain ( LC R ) and susceptible strain ( XJ S ) .

  16. 方法选用乐果、乙酰甲胺磷、久效磷、马拉硫磷、对硫磷、对氧磷6种有机磷农药进行MCF7人乳腺癌细胞增殖实验和转录活化实验。

    Method Six kinds of organophosphorus pesticides , dimethoate ( Dim ), acephate ( Ace ), monocrotophos ( Mon ), malathion ( Mal ), parathion and paraoxon were selected to perform MCF-7 human breast cancer cell proliferation assay and transcription activation assay .

  17. ~(14)C-久效磷经皮肤渗透性的研究

    Studies on the Percutaneous permeability of ~ ( 14 ) C-monocrotophos

  18. 以扁藻为材料,研究久效磷对扁藻细胞的毒性效应。

    Study on the effect of five pesticides to Platymonas subcordiformis ;

  19. 朱砂叶螨对久效磷抗性的遗传分析

    Genetic analyses of the resistance of carmine spider mite to monocrotophos

  20. 久效磷对金鱼的环境雌激素效应的研究

    Research on the environmental estrogen activity of monocrotophos on goldfish

  21. 淹水土壤中久效磷的降解及消失动态

    Dynamic of degradation and disappearance of monocrotophos in submerged soil

  22. 说明久效磷对光合色素有严重的破坏作用。

    This indicates that monocrotophos can heavily damage photosynthetic pigments of microalage .

  23. 久效磷分子印迹聚合物的研究与应用

    Monocrotophos-specific Molecularly Imprinted Polymers and Its Applications for Analysis of Organophosphorus Pesticides

  24. 水中久效磷的气相色谱分析

    Determination of Monocrotophos in Water Sample by Gas Chromatography

  25. 久效磷在黄河水体沉积物中的吸附特征及机理

    The characteristics and mechanisms for adsorption of monocrotophos on Yellow River 's sediments

  26. 久效磷氯化废水中尿素的测定

    Determination of Urea in Chlorinated Waste Water from Monocrotophos

  27. 农药久效磷分子印迹聚合物合成及其亲合性评估

    Preparation and affinity assessment of monocrotophos molecularly imprinted polymers

  28. 气相色谱法测定鱼组织中的久效磷

    To Determine Monocrotophos Level of Fish Tissue with GC

  29. 棉叶螨对久效磷的抗药性研究

    Study on the monocrotophos-resistance of cotton spider mite

  30. 久效磷单克隆抗体杂交瘤细胞株建立及性质鉴定

    Establishment and Characteristic Identification of the Hybridoma Cell Lines of Monoclonal Antibodies for Monocrotophos