
  • 网络chronic diarrhea
  1. 医简中有许多治疗疑难病症的方药,如治疗麻风病、风湿病、久泄、久痢、久咳,这些疾病即使在今天仍然是疑难病。

    There were many formulas for diseases , such as leprosy , rheumatism , chronic diarrhea , chronic dysentery , and chronic cough that are refractory to be cured even today .

  2. 从现代心理学泄导理论的角度而言,明清文言梦幻小说的创作是创作主体积郁已久的情感的泄导。

    From a psychological point of view of abreaction theory , Ming and Qing classical dreamlike novel was the author of the release of long-standing emotional .