
  • 网络thready and rapid pulse
  1. 心悸不宁,面色无华,头晕目眩,气短乏力,舌质淡,有齿痕,脉细数或结代。

    Palpitation , lustreless , complexion , dizziness , blurring of vision , shortness of breath , lassitude , pale tongue with tooth prints , thready , weak or intermittent pulse .

  2. 症见夜睡出汗,醒则汗止,五心烦热,或午后潮热,虚烦失眠,口干、舌红少苔、脉细数。

    Zheng Jian sleep the night sweating , just wake up the sweat , five upset hot , or the afternoon hot flashes , insomnia virtual tired , dry mouth , red tongue , little coating , pulse breakdown .