
dào hàn
  • night sweat;perspire during sleep
盗汗 [dào hàn]
  • [night sweat] 症名。又称寝汗。指入睡后出汗,醒后即止

盗汗[dào hàn]
  1. 睡眠时经常流汗,盗汗的人。

    People with perspiration and night sweat when sleeping .

  2. 适应症:糖尿症,口干舌燥,小便频繁,潮热,盗汗等。

    Indications : Applicable to diabetes , dry coat of the tongue , hectic fever & night sweat .

  3. 他开始夜间盗汗。

    He started having night sweats .

  4. 我真的感觉一点毛病也没有,没盗汗也不发热。

    I really don 't feel a bit sick , no night sweats , no fevers .

  5. 临床主要表现均有右上腹部疼痛,其中3例有淋巴瘤B症状(发热、盗汗、体质量减轻)。

    The main clinical manifestations included pain in the right upper quadrant and B symptoms of the lymphoma ( fever , night sweating , and weight loss ) in 3 patients .

  6. 她出现右侧腮腺肿大和疼痛,但无发热、腺病、体重下降和盗汗。ct扫描显示腮腺增厚。

    She developed enlargement and soreness of her right parotid gland , but no fever , adenopathy , weight loss or night sweats . a CT scan showed thickening of her parotid gland .

  7. A组患者倦怠乏力、食少纳呆、自汗盗汗、虚烦不寐、口干咽燥、大便干结症状与对照组比较有统计学差异P<0.05。

    A group of patients languid , food less since sweat , stay , night sweats , virtual vexed not mei , mouth GanYan dryness , stool stem node symptoms compared with controls statistically significant P ﹤ 0.05 .

  8. 盗汗作为单一征状并不令人担心。

    Night sweating as a single entity is not worrisome . V.

  9. 她出现了盗汗,并且很难集中注意力的症状。

    She woke up sweating , and struggled to focus on anything .

  10. 我贫血而且夜间盗汗。

    I suffer from anaemia and often sweat at night .

  11. 数周以来不明原因发热和盗汗。

    A few weeks unexplained fever and night sweats .

  12. 方法对19例盆腔腹膜结核病例进行临床分析。结果女性盆腔腹膜结核常见症状为腹部胀痛,次为乏力盗汗、消瘦,少数有月经改变;

    Methods A retrospective review of 19 cases of pelvic peritoneal tuberculosis was performed .

  13. 盗汗可以成为某些癌症的症状,例如淋巴瘤。

    Night sweats can be a symptom of some cancers , for example lymphomas .

  14. 只有那些出现潮热、盗汗的绝经期妇女治疗效果良好。

    Only those women that experienced hot flashes and night-time sweating reported beneficial effects .

  15. 清热养阴法治疗癌症盗汗

    Night Sweating in Cancer Treated by the Method to Clear Away Heat and Nourish Yin

  16. 咳嗽病没有离开她,并且她还盗汗。

    Her cough did not leave her , and she had sweats on her back .

  17. 你也盗汗吗

    You get night sweats too ?

  18. 任何不正常的流汗?像是盗汗或夜汗?

    Do you have any type of abnormal sweating ? Like sweating for no reason or night sweats .

  19. 肺结核症状有咳嗽、发烧、盗汗以及体重减轻。

    The symptoms of tuberculosis are a terrible cough , fever , night sweats , and weight loss .

  20. 精神因素。焦虑、梦及兴奋剂可导致健康个体盗汗。

    C. Psychological factors . Anxiety , nightmares , and psychoactive preparations can precipitate night sweats in healthy individuals .

  21. 全身症状主要是发热、疲惫不适、盗汗、食欲不振、逐渐消瘦等。

    Systemic symptom basically is calorific , fatigue and unwell , night sweat , inappetence , gradually angular wait .

  22. 你如何区分提示严重疾病状态的夜间盗汗与普通出汗?

    Q.How can you distinguish between night sweats that indicate a serious medical condition and those that don 't ?

  23. 激素替代治疗应该仅仅用于有热潮和夜间盗汗而不能睡眠的女性。

    HRT should only be used by a woman whose hot flashes and night sweats are preventing her from sleeping .

  24. 详细的病史关于全身症状需要采集,包括发热,盗汗,消受,搔痒及全身的不适。

    A careful history must be taken regarding constitutional symptoms including fever , night sweats , weight loss , pruritus , and generalized malaise .

  25. 持续某段时间的咳嗽、体重减轻以及仅有HIV+的参与者表现出来的夜间盗汗是肺结核的独立预测指标。

    Cough of any duration , weight loss and , for HIV + participants only , drenching night sweats were independent predictors of TB .

  26. 治疗组在骨折、潮热和盗汗方面少于对照组。但治疗组(经期)经血也较多。

    The hormone recipients had less fractures and less hot flashes and night-time sweating than the comparison group , but they also had more flow .

  27. 结果98例艾滋病合并结核病患者以发热、咳嗽、盗汗、体质量降低、浅表淋巴结肿大、呼吸困难为常见症状。

    Results Among the 98 patients , fever , cough , night sweating , weight loss , and superficial lymph node swelling were the common symptoms .

  28. 但是需要注意的是,群勃龙有严重的副作用,比如可以引起失眠症,高血压,夜间盗汗等症状。

    But it is also important to note that TRE has serious side effects , such as insomnia , hypertension , night sweat and so on .

  29. 盗汗通常是某已知病症的标志,如糖尿病(特别是伴夜间低血糖者)、癌症、头外伤和各种风湿病。

    Night sweats are often the mark of a known condition such as diabetes ( especially with nocturnal hypoglycemia ), cancer , head trauma , and rheumatologic disorders .

  30. 此次调查显示仅有不到10%的患者存在有腹膜外结核。(4)有发热,盗汗,消瘦等结核中毒症状的患者比例较小,且症状极不典型。

    Less than 10 % patients has extraperitoneal tuberculosis . ( 4 ) . The proportion of patients with symptoms of fever , sweat , weight loss is rare .