
dào zéi
  • thieves and brigands;robber;bandit;embezzler;thief
盗贼 [dào zéi]
  • [robber;bandit;embezzler;thief] 强盗和小偷总称

  • 盗贼亭武起,问谁多穷民。--李商隐《行次西郊作一百韵》

盗贼[dào zéi]
  1. 两个盗贼闯进了她的家,把刀架在她的脖子上,抢走了她的积蓄。

    Two robbers broke into her home , held a knife to her throat and stole her savings .

  2. 如果盗贼蜂起,税使和债主就消失了。

    If robbers abounded , tax-gatherers and creditors had disappeared .

  3. 他追赶那个盗贼却没有抓住他。

    He chased after the burglar but couldn 't catch him .

  4. 这座孤零零的房子是盗贼的首选目标。

    The house is isolated and a prime target for burglars .

  5. 盗贼们用摹本换走了原画。

    The thieves replaced the original painting with a copy .

  6. 一伙盗贼在一条漆黑的小巷里突然扑向他。

    The thieves jumped him in a dark alleyway .

  7. 盗贼破门而入,偷走了五台电脑。

    Thieves broke in and ripped off five computers .

  8. 这房子遭到了盗贼的洗劫。

    The house had been ransacked by burglars .

  9. 盗贼是从窗户进来的。

    The burglar got in through the window .

  10. 盗贼将看门狗麻醉后偷走了价值1万元的东西。

    Thieves doped a guard dog and stole $ 10 000 worth of goods .

  11. 盗贼很可能不知道此物的价值。

    It 's more than likely that the thieves don 't know how much it is worth .

  12. 盗贼肯定是故意触发了报警器,然后躲在房子里。

    The thieves must have deliberately triggered the alarm and hidden inside the house

  13. 盗贼在篱笆上割了个洞。

    The thieves cut a hole in the fence

  14. 艺术品盗贼偷走重要艺术品后常常会把它藏匿好几年。

    Art thieves will often hide an important work for years after it has been stolen .

  15. 她的家被盗贼光顾过。

    Her home was burglarized .

  16. 警方已经抓住了在乡村流窜的那些盗贼。

    The police have caught the thieves who roved the countryside .

  17. 盗贼承认偷了这家商店的钱。

    The thief admitted having stolen money from the shop .

  18. 警方在通缉那个盗贼。

    The robber is wanted by the police .

  19. 那盗贼对他犯过的一切罪恶表示忏悔。

    The thief expressed penitence for all his past actions .

  20. 那人瞥见盗贼正从窗户里爬出来。

    The man glanced the burglar climbing out of the window .

  21. 盗贼进去时,警铃作响。

    The alarm went off when the thieves went in .

  22. 盗贼把门撞开逃走了。

    The burglar broke the door open and ran away .

  23. 警察进行了追踪,但盗贼还是带着珠宝逃走了。

    The police gave chase , but the thieves made away with the jewels .

  24. 围墙保护此地不受盗贼之扰。

    The wall guards the place from thieves .

  25. 盗贼把这门打开了。

    The robber broke open the door .

  26. 军阀混战,盗贼横行,真是昏天黑地。

    Ridden with warlordism and banditry ; the country was in a state of chaos .

  27. 盗贼把那家商店洗劫一空。

    The thieves cleared out the store .

  28. 总督赦免了那个盗贼。

    The governor pardoned the thief .

  29. 如果现在追赶盗贼,你们可能在他们跑出城区之前逮住他们。

    If you head after the robbers now , you might catch them before they leave the town limits .

  30. 现在实习生、参观者或盗贼想要偷窃这样的信件是很困难的。

    It would now be difficult for an intern , visitor or a thief to steal a document like this .