
  1. 警方发现了销售盗版光盘的黑线。

    The police found black thread of selling pirated compact disks .

  2. 督促市民不要购买盗版光盘的广告横幅出现了街头。

    Banners have appeared on the streets urging citizens not to buy them .

  3. 所有制造盗版光盘的地下工厂都必须查封。

    All those underground plants that manufacture piratic CDs must be closed down .

  4. 严厉打击盗版光盘走私活动。

    Cracking down on smuggling of pirated compact discs .

  5. 打击盗版光盘四个阶段

    The four stages against pirated compact discs

  6. 总之,我们不要四面出击。打击盗版光盘四个阶段

    In short , we must not hit out in all directions . The four stages against pirated compact discs

  7. 目前,中国香港、澳门特别行政区打击盗版光盘生产、走私的活动也取得重大战果。

    As a result , the anti-pornographic and illegal publications drive has made big headway in Hong Kong and Macao .

  8. 这可能产生另一批“收租人”,他们可能会索取贿赂,然后对盗版光盘工厂睁一只眼闭一只眼。

    That could create another layer of rent-seekers soliciting bribes to get them to turn a blind eye to disc pressing plants .

  9. 美方还主张,中国的打假法律不够严厉,对于是否起诉违法者设定的盗版光盘价值门槛定得过高。

    It also argued that Chinese law was not harsh enough on counterfeiting and set too high a value on pirated discs before prosecuting violators .

  10. 30岁的上海白领胡斌(音)回忆,他是通过盗版光盘和在线网站观看星战系列的。

    Hu Bin , a 30-year-old office worker in Shanghai , recalled relying on pirated discs and online websites to watch the Star Wars franchise .

  11. 盗版光盘严重冲击着数字化音像制品市场,数字化音像制品的制作者和经营者自觉运用版权法保护自己将是打击盗版的重要力量。

    Pirated CDs have greatly disrupted the market of digital audio-visual products , and the legal makers and dealers of the products play a very important role in fighting against piracy .

  12. 由于盗版光盘和网络非法下载影片视频的盛行,内容发行商迫切需要采用新的技术来保护合法的视频文件分发。

    For the rampancy of piratical Compact Discs and the illegal downloading of films and videos , the con - tent deliverer urgently needs a new technology to protect the legal films and videos .

  13. 如今新东方是中国最大的英语培训公司,学校遍布40座城市,拥有5000多名教师。它的课程如此著名,以至于竟衍生出一个盗版光盘市场。

    His company is the biggest English language training company in China with schools in 40 cities and more than 5,000 teachers , and his classes became so famous that they spawned a market in bootlegged recordings .

  14. 北京的一些销售盗版DVD光盘的商店被迫关闭。

    Some shops in Beijing selling pirated DVDs have been closed .

  15. 深入持久地开展“扫黄”打非“斗争,严厉打击盗版盗印和光盘走私活动。

    Persistent efforts will be put into the fight against pornography and other illegal products . We will severely crack down on piracy and smuggling of video disks .

  16. 重点打击音乐和电影非法下载、盗版CD和DVD光盘、非法软件、汽车零部件以及药品销售。

    This is an attempt to combat illegal downloads of music and movies , sales of pirated CDs and DVDs , illegal software , auto parts and pharmaceuticals .

  17. 中国一贯坚持打击盗版,在公共场合销毁盗版书籍和DVD光盘。查处贩卖的伪造DVD,捣毁制造盗版的工厂。

    China has staged consistent fights against piracy , destroying pirated books and DVDs in public , trading counterfeit DVDs for movie tickets and raiding factories churning out fakes .