
  • 网络auto copy;Auto Replication;auto-cloning
  1. 我应该使用Web客户还是自动复制的数据呢?

    Should you utilize a Web client or automatically replicated data ?

  2. Jar会被自动复制到模块的备份EAR项目,并配置为一个通用Jar。

    The Jar is automatically copied to the backing EAR project for the module and it is configured as a utility Jar .

  3. 随需复制:定义了触发器来触发数据的手动复制或自动复制。

    Replication on-demand : Triggers are defined that cause data replication manually or automatically .

  4. 自动复制,并且在节点崩溃的时候能够自动恢复

    Automatic replication with automatic fail-over upon node crash

  5. 在任何一个位置的改变都必须自动复制到其他的开发场所。

    Any change that occurs at one site should automatically replicate over to the other development sites .

  6. 当您在手动测试应用软件中创建缺陷记录时,数据就会被自动复制。

    Data is copied automatically when you create a defect record from within the manual testing application .

  7. 如果使用的是链接表?,请切记链接表是不能自动复制的。

    If you use linked tables ?, keep in mind that linked tables aren ′ t automatically replicated .

  8. 如果您可以告诉数据库将需要的数据自动复制到另一个服务器,岂不是很好?

    Wouldn 't it be great if you could tell your database to replicate the data you wanted to another server automatically ?

  9. 从实践的角度来看,这些日志存储在一个数据中心中(可以自动复制到第二个数据中心)。

    As a practical matter , those logs are stored in one data center ( possibly with automatic replication to the second ) .

  10. 将客户开始填写的索赔表单中的数据自动复制到由客户和客户服务代表共同浏览的索赔表单。

    Automatically copy data from the claim form a customer started filling out to the one being co-browsed by the customer and customer service rep.

  11. 等我们自己悟出这一点后,爱情就不再会是对亲子关系的自动复制,我们的爱情就获得了自由,就有了放弃的力量。

    When we learn that later , love will no longer be automatically replicated as one of the parent-child relationship , then our love gains freedom , and we got the power to give up .

  12. 无法将OWL分类系统自动地复制到SAP中,但是通过在SAP中创建匹配的分类系统和映射文件,可以手工地复制它们。

    There is no automation to copy OWL classification systems into SAP , though you can copy them manually by creating a matching classification system in SAP and a mapping file .

  13. 是,通过轮询发布服务器而自动刷新复制监视器。

    Yes , automatically refresh Replication Monitor by polling the Distributor .

  14. 在结果窗格中自动刷新复制项。

    Automatically refresh replication items in the results pane .

  15. 您希望自动刷新复制监视器吗?

    Do you want Replication Monitor automatically refreshed ?

  16. 当您通过一个网格新建一个表时,可以选择自动设置复制。

    You can choose to set up replication automatically when you create a new table through a grid .

  17. 即当前进蚂蚁存到达接收端时,系统便会自动地复制出若干个返回蚂蚁并让其进行回溯。这些返回的蚂蚁并不按照前进蚂蚁的原路返回,而是重新进行反方向的寻路。

    That is , when forward ants reach receiving node , system automatically copies several backtrack ants and they return .

  18. 如果存在有被编辑过的需求,属性值并不会像对添加的需求那样得到自动的复制。

    If there are modified requirements , the attribute values will not be automatically copied as they were for added requirements .

  19. 复制监视器可以通过定时轮询发布程序,自动刷新复制代理程序状态,报告最新的复制活动。

    Replication Monitor can automatically refresh the status of the replication agents by periodically polling the Distributor for reports of recent replication activity .

  20. 如果允许使用缓存,当一幅新的图像被读取的时候,它会被自动地复制到缓存目录。

    If caching is enabled , a new background image , either read from CD-ROM or downloaded from the Internet , will be copied to the cache directory .

  21. 在为影子复制(旧的主复制)应用未决数据之后,EnterpriseReplication自动删除影子复制定义。

    After applying the pending data for the shadow replicate ( the former mastered replicate ), Enterprise Replication removes the shadow replicate definition automatically .

  22. 下次启动计算机时,windows便会自动运行已复制到“启动”文件夹的程序。

    The next time you start your computer , windows automatically runs the program or programs that you have copied to the startup folder .

  23. 播客是发布录制的数据音频文件的数据提要(feed),可自动下载和复制到用户的便携式媒体设备上。

    A podcast is a data feed that distributes recorded digital audio files that are automatically downloaded and copied to a user 's portable media device .

  24. 虽然CCD目标表不能自动将数据复制到不受支持的目标数据库中,但是它通过用户应用程序暴露数据。

    While the CCD target table does not automate the replication of data to unsupported target databases , it does expose the data for consumption by a user application .

  25. 因为该JAR文件会引用库定义,工具会自动将其复制到Web项目中,这是Tomahawk组件第一次得到使用。

    Because this JAR file is referenced in the library definition , the tool automatically copied it into a Web project the first time that the Tomahawk components were used .

  26. 本文提出一个基于模板技术和站点信息架构的ORACLE数据复制方案,实现复制环境的自动创建以及复制站点的动态添加;

    In the article , it gives out a schema to use ORACLE Advanced Replication based on a replication template . We can use this template and the information of the website to realize the automatic replication .

  27. 这可以让CouchApp在几种设备上运行,使其同步,从而可以自动进行增量复制,保证每种设备上都是最新数据。

    This allows you to keep your CouchApp on several devices , and synchronize them , with automated incremental replication keeping your data up-to-date on each device .

  28. 复制本地:指定是否自动将引用复制到目标目录。

    Copy local : specifies whether to automatically copy the reference to the target directory .

  29. 针对顺序读取大型文件进行了优化,它可以自动管理数据复制和恢复。

    Optimized for the sequential reading of large files , it automatically manages data replication and recovery .

  30. 本文还在解决信息孤岛问题的异构数据迁移子系统上探索了一个经济实用的有效方法,实现了异构数据的全自动的定时复制功能,为企业信息共享以及信息综合应用打下了基础。

    At the same time , it gives an efficient method to solve the " information lone island " problem , realizes the automatic copy function of the heterogeneous data .