
  • 网络pirate software;Pirated software;software piracy;warez;Should the pirate Software and Movie
  1. 中国商务部副部长姜增伟表示,中国将在明年初发起打假保知行动,打击对象包括假药、假烟、盗版软件和CD。

    The country will launch a crackdown early next year on goods including fake medicines and cigarettes , pirated software and CDs , said Jiang Zengwei , deputy minister of commerce .

  2. 笔记本电脑及其相关设备都比较昂贵,骗子们就会提议你去购买便宜的操作系统软件、office办公产品等,并称你可以下载“破解”的盗版软件的“免费”副本。

    Many will be buying laptops or other computing devices for under the tree.They are expensive and there are many tempting offers to buy incredibly cheap operating systems , office products or other tasty goodies . There are even more tempting opportunities to download " free " copies of " cracked " pirated software .

  3. 相比之下,微软表示,约5亿人在个人电脑(PC)上安装了Office,尽管其中一半人使用的是盗版软件。

    By contrast , Microsoft says around 500m people have Office on their PCs , though half of these use pirated copies .

  4. 此外,P2P下载使盗版软件和非法影音制品被无限制的传播,使对知识产权的保护更加步履维艰。

    Furthermore , P2P downloading spreads pirate software and illegal audio / video products unlimitedly that makes intellectual property protection more difficult .

  5. 微软拒绝评论其与这些公司达成的商业条款,或者它究竟将用什么方式让使用盗版软件的PC合法化。

    Microsoft declined to comment on the commercial terms it had reached with these companies , or the precise methods it would use to legitimise PCs that have been using stolen software .

  6. 微软拒绝评论其与这些公司达成的商业条款,或者它究竟将用什么方式让使用盗版软件的PC“合法化”。

    Microsoft declined to comment on the commercial terms it had reached with these companies , or the precise methods it would use to " legitimise " PCs that have been using stolen software .

  7. BSA称,2010年中国境内销售的所有软件中,有78%是盗版软件,远高于42%的全球平均盗版率。

    Seventy eight per cent of all software sold in China in 2010 was pirated , according to the BSA , compared with a global average piracy rate of 42 per cent .

  8. 美国联邦调查局(FBI)昨日表示,中国警方和美国联邦调查局联合进行的一次打击盗版软件的空前行动,已逮捕25名嫌犯,缴获价值5亿美元的盗版软件。

    An unprecedented joint crackdown on software piracy by Chinese police and the US Federal Bureau of Investigation has led to 25 arrests and the seizure of counterfeit software worth $ 500m , the FBI said yesterday .

  9. 墨西哥城——在哈瓦那父母的狭小房子里,尤达内尔·古铁雷斯(YondainerGutiérrez)用一台安装着盗版软件的破旧电脑编写应用和创建网站。

    MEXICO CITY - At his parents " cramped house in Havana , Yondainer Guti é rrez builds apps and websites on a makeshift computer that runs on pirated software .

  10. 在亚洲,盗版软件一直流通。

    Illegal copies of the software have been ciruclating in asia .

  11. 玩具生产商因使用盗版软件遭停牌

    Toy manufacturer suffering from stopping because of the use of pirate software

  12. 公司制定了禁止使用盗版软件的规定。

    The company has put on a ban on using pirated software .

  13. 迈克尔:它可能是盗版软件。

    Michael : It is probably pirated software .

  14. 盗版软件降低了人们的知识创造力,增加了人们的惰性,实际上也减少了我们在知识产权方面的个人自由的选择和增加了我们对整个群体&社会的依赖;

    The pirate debases the knowledge creativity of people and increases the inertia of people .

  15. 这是盗版软件,我们无法为您提供安装服务。

    Sorry , this is piracy software , we can not provide installation service for you .

  16. 业界欢呼这项判决是中国反盗版软件行动的一个里程碑。

    The industry hailed the verdict as a milestone in the fight against software piracy in China .

  17. 这四名男子经营了一家名叫番茄花园的网站,靠提供免费盗版软件来获取广告收入。

    The men ran Tomato Garden , a website that generated advertising by offering pirated software for free .

  18. 美国联邦调查局表示,此次行动是一次空前的合作行动,共缴获了29万张盗版软件光碟。

    The FBI said the action was an unprecedented co-operative effort that had seized 290,000 counterfeit software CDs .

  19. 比利:你能教我所有有关盗版软件的知识吗,好让我的电脑再次正常工作。

    Billy : Can you teach me all about pirated software so that my computer will work correctly again ?

  20. 盗版软件令许多不那么富有的人享受到了最新的计算机技术成果。

    Pirated software has allowed a lot of people who are not so rich to enjoy the uptodate development of IT .

  21. 如果雇员自行在电脑内安装盗版软件以处理业务,雇主是否须承担法律责任?

    If an employee installs pirated software in his computer by himself for office duties , will the employer be criminally liable ?

  22. 去年8月,中国的四名男子因通过互联网分发盗版软件而被判有期徒刑和巨额罚款。

    Last August , four men in China were handed prison sentences and hefty fines for distributing counterfeit software over the Internet .

  23. 目前中国IT产业中的一大问题是正版软件销售不畅,而盗版软件却屡禁不止。

    Currently a conspicuous problem in China 's IT field is the poor sale of legitimate software products and failure to control pirated ones .

  24. 第十八条禁止生产盗版软件和解密软件以及主要功能是解除技术保护措施的软件。

    Article Eighteen Production of pirated software , software for deciphering secret and software with the main function of removing technology-protection measures are prohibited .

  25. 盗版软件的大量存在,给社会财富造成了巨大的损失,已是当前亟待解决的问题。

    Miraculously number of pirated software , resulting in huge losses to the social wealth , has already become a big issue to be solved .

  26. 同时,右下角会持续的弹出一个通知,警告用户也许是盗版软件的受害者。

    Meanwhile , a persistent desktop notification will pop up at the right corner , warning that the user may be a victim of software counterfeiting .

  27. 如果你使用或购买盗版软件,你就违反了法律-没有好理由去使用盗版软件。

    Ex : If you use or buy pirated software , you are breaking the law - there is no good excuse for using pirated software .

  28. 由于政府的强硬态度和微软的侵略性市场销售,盗版软件商贩在贩卖盗版操作系统时都很低调。

    Piracy software vendors have kept a low profile when selling the pirated operating system due to a tough government attitude and Microsoft 's aggressive marketing campaigns .

  29. 俄罗斯正在极力打击盗版软件、电影、音乐,因为它准备加入世界贸易组织。

    Russia has been urged to crack down on the widespread availability of cheap pirated software , films and music as it prepares to enter the World Trade Organization .

  30. 微软表示:“预计此次行动的一个直接结果,将是世界各国的盗版软件数量大幅下降。”

    It said : " countries around the world are expected to experience a significant decrease in the volume of counterfeit software as a direct result of this action . "