
  1. 乌坎村的选举就好像公共汽车。

    Elections in Wukan are like buses .

  2. 在乌坎村大约7000名登记选民中,有约70%的人参加了投票。

    About 70 per cent of the roughly 7,000 registered voters in the village turned out .

  3. 可是,广东省高层官员同意乌坎村重新举行选举,并调查相关土地交易。

    Instead , senior provincial party officials agreed to fresh elections and to investigate the land deals .

  4. 朱明国表示,一部分被侵占的土地将在5月1日前归还乌坎村。

    Mr Zhu said part of the land seized would be returned to communal ownership by May 1 .

  5. 的确,乌坎村打出的标语之一是:没有中央,我们解决不了任何事。

    Indeed , one of the chants that went up in the village was : Without the central government , we cannot solve anything .

  6. “他们对我们的建议作出了积极的回应,答应在两天内释放我们的三位年轻人,”乌坎村的代表林祖栾表示。

    " They gave a positive response to our suggestions and agreed to release our three young people within two days , " said Lin zuluan , a village representative .

  7. 根据官方网站上的一份声明,负责调查乌坎村事件的广东省工作组专项小组发现,薛昌和村委会原主任陈舜意涉及腐败和操纵选举等问题。

    A provincial taskforce , set up to investigate events in Wukan , found that Mr Xue and Chen Shunyi , the former head of the village committee , were guilty of corruption and manipulating elections , according to a statement on an official website .