
  • 网络lotte;Lotte Group;rakuten
  1. BBC新闻-韩国检方对处在贿赂调查中心的庞大企业集团-乐天集团的所属企业进行了进一步突击搜查。

    BBC News - South Korean prosecutors carried out further raids on businesses of the Lotte Group , a sprawling conglomerate at the centre of a bribery probe .

  2. 此次搜查是继周五警方突袭乐天集团总部后实施的。

    The raids come after police swooped on the group 's headquarters on Friday .

  3. 根据韩国公平贸易委员会,乐天集团拥有啤酒,酒店和化工等各类领域的90多家公司,年收入约600亿美元。

    The group has more than 90 firms in sectors as diverse as beer , hotels and chemicals , and annual revenues of around $ 60bn , according to the Korea Fair Trade Commission .