
  • 网络Yue Yi
  1. 书法刻本甚多,以《兰亭序》、《乐毅论》、《十七帖》等最为著名。

    Among numerous of his calligraphy collections , the most famous ones are Preface of Lanting , Leyilun and Shiqitie .

  2. 公元前284年,燕昭王为报仇雪恨,以乐毅为帅出兵伐齐。5年间,除莒和即墨(今山东即墨市)两个城外,攻下齐70余城。

    In 284 B. C. , King Zhao of Yan dispatched general Yue Yi to launch a retaliatory war against Qi and in five years , took more than seventy cities , leaving only two cities , Ju and Jimo ( the present Jimo city , Shandong ) , still in Qi 's control .