
  • 网络music idea;musical idea;idea;Alois
  1. 在这个乐章的高潮处,整个乐队以ff的力度重现固定乐思。

    At the climax of the movement the " fixed idea " is recapitulated by full orchestra ff .

  2. 在中部,长笛和双簧管用园舞曲的节奏再次引出了固定乐思。孩子们伴随着管乐器者们吹奏的音乐起舞。

    In the middle section the " fixed idea " reappears in waltz time , introduced by flute and oboe . The children danced to the music that the pipers were piping .

  3. 音乐表演时,应严格遵守作曲家的原始乐思和乐谱,进行复原性的表现;

    One should abide by he composer 's original thought and music score and play restoringly ;

  4. 他的感觉、情感和记忆都在他混乱的头脑中转化为音乐的形象和乐思。

    His sensations , feelings , and memories , are translated in his sick brain into musical images and ideas .

  5. 然后难的部分的部分就来了:将乐思填入计划,因为这个时候你需要开始思考。

    And then the hard part is filling it in with musical ideas , because then you have to think .

  6. 一首曲调,其乐思的展开,一般取决于其自身结构是否具备一定的张力。

    The unfolding of the musical inspiration for a melody usually depends on whether the structure itself has certain stretching force .

  7. 其次,本文采用乐段作为遗传操作的基本单位,能生成具有相对完整乐思的音乐片段。

    Secondly , the paper adopts period as elementary units of inheritance manipulation , which can create music segments of almost whole notion .

  8. 即主要以节奏形式的变化作为乐曲结构的支柱、乐思发展的手段。

    This meant that the changes in the rhythm formed the main part of the musical structure as the means of developing the thrust of the music .

  9. 其次在题材内容方面作曲家或从文学作品中直接吸取题材和表现内容,或受文学作品的启发而进一步发挥展开乐思。

    The composer either imbibed theme and performance content directly from the literature , or inspired by literary works to further develop and create music to start thinking .

  10. 全面解释《D大调第二号长笛与钢琴奏鸣曲》的结构、作曲家的乐思以及音乐陈述的方法,对演奏者在理性思考上提供依据。

    Comprehensive explanation of " D-flat second flute and Piano ," the structure , composers and musical statement Verralls method , rational thinking in concert to provide a basis on .

  11. 它常常起到连接各段主题枢纽的作用,对主题的连贯统一,各段间的传导、融汇、照应、对比,以及推进乐思的发展等方面都具有积极意义。

    It often play a role of connecting the theme pivotal of paragraphs , which is positively important to a unified and consistent theme ; transmission , integration , coordination and contrast , as well as improving the musical consideration among the paragraphs .

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    And you will surely feel a completely new freshness and enjoy your staying here .