
  • 网络Altera;Atella;HATRA
  1. 阿特拉不但是个法师还是个教师,虽然她不收徒授业已经有一段时间了。

    Atella is a teacher as well as a mage , although it has been a while since she took an apprentice . The apprentice is not yet out of his time .

  2. 与其他神相比,也许玛雅并没有那么为人们所熟知,在希腊神话中,她是阿特拉(Atlas)之女,同时也是赫尔墨斯(Hermes)之母。

    Perhaps less well known now than the other deities with months named after them , Maia ( in Greek mythology ) was daughter of Atlas and mother of Hermes .

  3. 一些“阿特拉-Ra”受到了威胁并离开了,其他的开始神秘地失踪。

    Some of the Atla-Ra were threatened and removed , others began to mysteriously disappear .

  4. 阿特拉-Ra起初能够推迟其使用,但很快就被(雅利安人)阻拦了。

    The Atla-Ra were able to defer the usage initially , but in time were stymied .

  5. “阿特拉-Ra”知道系统崩溃将带来什么,但他们向议会的请求仍然不被理睬。

    The Atla-Ra understood the implications of what would soon occur when the programming crashed , but their pleas to the council continued to be ignored .

  6. 虽然水晶能量站设在所有的岛屿上以及大多数的“殖民地”上,但只有属于“一的法则”和“阿特拉-Ra”的波塞迪亚人拥有系统运行的知识和技术。

    While crystalline energy stations were located on all of the islands as well as most'colonies ' , the Poseidans of the Law of One and Atla-Ra held the expertise to run the system .