
yuè zhāng
  • movement
乐章 [yuè zhāng]
  • [movement] 成套乐曲中具有一定主题的独立组成部分

  • 交响乐一般由四个乐章组成

乐章[yuè zhāng]
  1. 慢乐章开头是一段大提琴独奏。

    The slow movement opens with a cello solo .

  2. 第一乐章以缓慢的主旋律开始。

    A slow theme introduces the first movement .

  3. 弦乐组为独奏乐章配上了动听的背景乐。

    The strings provided a melodic background to the passages played by the soloist

  4. 大多数第一乐章的速度标记是行板、柔板或广板。

    The tempo marking in most cases is andante , adagio , or largo .

  5. 全(交响)曲共分四个乐章。

    The symphony is in4 movements .

  6. 他逝世后出版的有:几部变奏曲,一些独立的乐章,两首协奏曲,和一首协奏曲快板。

    Several sets of variations , a few independent movements , two concertos , and a concert allegro were published after his death .

  7. 第一乐章是传统的交响乐快板。

    The first movement is a conventional symphonic Allegro .

  8. 音乐以一段壮丽的乐章结束。

    The music ends with a display of bravura .

  9. 贝多芬第九交响曲激动人心的末乐章

    the rousing finale of Beethoven 's Ninth Symphony

  10. 贝多芬《C大调第一钢琴协奏曲》(第一乐章)的演奏风格

    The Playing Style of Beethoven 's C Major Piano Concerto No.1

  11. 《D大调四手联弹奏鸣曲,作品K。381,第一乐章》。

    Sonata in D Major for Piano Duet , K.381,1st Mvt .

  12. 杜兆植先生《G大调大提琴协奏曲》第一乐章的音乐分析

    The Analysis of the Music of the First Movement of the " G Major Key Cello Concerto " of Mr Du Zhao-zhi

  13. 新英格兰青年乐团-教堂奏鸣曲第12章,小号E大调末乐章协奏曲,四提琴弦乐协奏曲。

    New England Youth Ensemble – Church Sonata No.12 , Finale from Trumpet Concerto in E Flat , Concerto for Four Violins and Strings .

  14. 在这个乐章的高潮处,整个乐队以ff的力度重现固定乐思。

    At the climax of the movement the " fixed idea " is recapitulated by full orchestra ff .

  15. 第三,对《巴赫G小调无伴奏小提琴奏鸣曲》的旋律、节奏、力度变化中弓子的运用(主要分析了第一乐章和第二乐章)进行了分析。

    The study analyzed the application of bow in melody , rhythm , strength changes to " Bach G minor violin sonata no instruments " ( the first movement and the second movement ) .

  16. 他创办了北京大学音乐传习所(PekingUniversityConservatory),1922年,北京大学管弦乐队演奏了《第五交响曲》的第二乐章和《第六交响曲》的第一乐章。

    He created the Peking University Conservatory , and in 1922 , the Peking University Orchestra performed the second movement of the Fifth Symphony and the first movement of the Sixth Symphony .

  17. 基于UNIXTCP/IP的套接字接口已经为TCP/IP协议的应用谱写了成功的乐章,当然,基于用户级协议的高性能套接字接口也将为用户级协议的应用打开方便之门,这也是论文研究的重点。

    Since the UNIX sockets interface based on TCP / IP protocol has succeed in communication , of course the user-level sockets over ULC will be popular to programmer , which is motivation of thesis .

  18. 但是我能确定的是,他能表现出很多有趣的乐章,但是我却应该不会去AveryFisherHall或者其他地方去听一场有趣的交响乐演出。

    To be sure , he performs an impressive variety of interesting compositions , but it is not necessary for me to visit Avery Fisher Hall , or anywhere else , to hear interesting orchestral music .

  19. 韦伯恩《弦乐四重奏五章》OP.5第四乐章的结构分析

    Structural Analysis to 4 th Movement of Webern : String Quartet Op.5

  20. 这个乐章标有Adago(慢板),是6/8拍的A-B-A曲式。

    The movement , marked Adagio , is an AB-A form in 6 / 8 time .

  21. 本文通过对其《弦乐四重奏五章》OP.5第四乐章的分析,揭示出乐章创作的结构特征,为无调性音乐创作的结构方面提供了一个有趣而具体的参考实证。

    This article analyzes the fourth movement of String Quartet ( Op.5 ) to reveal its structural characteristics , and therefore provides an interesting and detailed case study of atonal music composition .

  22. 小奏鸣曲(Sonatine)是相对奏鸣曲而言的,指曲式结构规模较小,音乐形象较为简洁,音乐内容较为浅显的奏鸣曲,一般有2~3个乐章。

    Sonatina in terms of relatively sonata , musical structure refers to the smaller , more compact music images , music content , the more facile sonatas , generally 2 to 3 movement .

  23. 第二乐章采用奏鸣曲式写成,展开部中还包含有一个复三部曲式的插部,热情的快板(Allegroappassionato),d小调,3/4拍子,典型的谐谑曲,具有火一般的热情。

    The second movement , written in sonata form used to start the Department also includes the trilogy there is a complex type of interpolation Department , enthusiastic Allegro ( Allegro appassionato ), d minor , 3 / 4 beat , a typical Scherzo , with fire in general enthusiasm .

  24. 苏格兰民谣的华彩乐章&彭斯抒情诗歌赏析

    The Highlight of Scottish Ballads-The Appreciation of Burn ′ s Lyrics

  25. 一曲轻快流动的交通乐章&上海市轻轨长宁站方案设计

    Scheme Design of Changning Station of Light Railway Station in Shanghai

  26. 听完第二乐章后,我觉得真是其乐无穷。

    After the second movement , I was totally blissed out .

  27. 这就引出了这次演讲的最后一个乐章。

    This brings me to the final movement of this speech .

  28. 新奇、瑰丽、多彩的乐章&非洲史诗传统

    A Distinctive , Charming and Colorful Movement : African Epic Traditions

  29. 第一乐章是富于戏剧性的热情的快板。

    The first movement is a dramatic passion of the Allegro .

  30. 快速飞行的飞机;用敏捷的手指演奏复杂的乐章。

    Fast-flying planes ; played the difficult passage with flying fingers .