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  1. 不过,也有一些试图教授礼仪规范的公司发展得并不好,如北京英乐会礼仪咨询公司(EtiquetteSociety),在2008年成立,2011年关闭。

    But other companies that have attempted to make a go of teaching etiquette , such as Beijing 's Etiquette Society , opened its doors in 2008 and closed again in 2011 .

  2. 英乐会礼仪咨询公司的创始人安睿(FreddieCull)说:我觉得我们当时没有把这个概念想透彻。

    ' I don 't think we thought through the concept , ' says Etiquette Society founder Freddie Cull .

  3. 2月14日,伴随着现场动感的音乐和富有节奏性的鼓点,韩国人气天团EXO登上了湖南卫视的舞台,加入到于当晚举办的元宵喜乐会的强大阵容中去。

    Flanked by a DJ and a drummer , South Korean pop group Exo sauntered onto the stage at the Hunan Satellite TV station on Friday , joining the line-up for the Lantern Festival Show .

  4. 书上说听古典乐会让宝宝更聪明!

    They say listening to classical music can make your baby smarter !

  5. 蒂娜不理睬约翰并拒绝同他一参加间乐会。

    Tina gave John the brush-off and refused to go to the concert with him .

  6. 属于理平头和聚在摇滚乐会或参加白人至上主义者的活动的英国或美国社团的年青人。

    A young person who belongs to a British or American group that shave their heads and gather at rock concerts or engage in white supremacist demonstrations .

  7. 他凭借在主持益智类节目和达人秀节目中的言辞诙谐、具有亲和力的特点,而为人们所熟悉。他主持的节目包括《幸运52》、《非常6+1》以及脱口秀《咏乐会》。

    Li was most known for his witty comments and easy-going style while he hosted several hit reality game and talent shows , including Lucky 52 , A Special Six-Plus-One , as well as the talk show Yong Le Hui .

  8. 另外,我也会参与RightToPlay儿童乐益会公益组织,致力于帮助生活贫困和身处困境的儿童和青少年,帮助他们通过体育的力量战胜挑战。

    I will also stay involved in the Right to Play , an organization dedicated to helping underprivileged children overcome challenges through sport .

  9. 一间常举行室内乐演奏会和诗歌朗诵会的客厅。

    A drawing-room where chamber concerts and poetry recitals were held .

  10. 时髦的乐调会追逐他们纠缠不休。

    The " modern note " would have pursued them .

  11. 他和凯文·乐福会成为一对有趣并且球商高的前场组合。

    He and Kevin Love will make for an interesting , high-IQ frontcourt partnership .

  12. 由于你们向我的召唤及天主的爱打开心灵,喜乐便会重燃在这世界上。

    Joy will begin to reign in the world because you have opened yourselves to my call and to God 's love .

  13. 故此,在产品生产过程中,丹乐公司会采用特别的洗水方法,保证其洗水坚牢度。

    Therefore , in our factory , we have a special after treatment process to ensure that all our goods don 't have washing fastness problems .

  14. 你的安宁与喜乐,或会令人嫉妒。

    If you find serenity and happiness , some may be jealous .

  15. 世界各地的摇滚乐明星都会登台演出。

    The rock music stars from all over the world will be there .

  16. 然而,当我们以神为乐,便会发现我们会做神所做的事。

    And when we delight in God , we 'll find ourselves doing what God does .

  17. 古典摇滚乐电台往往会在周末长假期选出过去数十年最受欢迎的金曲。

    Classic rock radio stations will often dedicate long weekends to playing down the top songs of past decades .

  18. 艾伦教他还玩魔方(也是从《数学之乐》中学会的),还经常玩国际象棋。

    Alan also showed him a way to construct Magic Squares ( also from Mathematical Recreations ) , and they played a lot of chess .

  19. 喜欢交响音乐会或者室内乐音乐会的人会有看不起歌剧的倾向。

    People who prefer symphony concerts or chamber music tend to look down their noses at opera .

  20. 《汉密尔顿》的曲谱对嘻哈乐行家的耳朵会十分受用,许多曲子参考了GrandmasterFlash、FuriousFive和MobbDeep等乐人的作品。

    The score of " Hamilton " " is a treat for sharp-eared hip-hop fans , packed with references to songs by Grandmaster Flash and the Furious Five , Mobb Deep and others .

  21. 我喜欢流行乐而不是运动会。

    I like pop music rather than sports .

  22. 但当你接触了一段嘻哈乐后,你会有种奇怪的感觉。

    Yet something peculiar erupts when you 've been around hip-hop for a while .

  23. 如果你找到了平安和喜乐,他们可能会嫉妒你,不管怎样,你还是要喜乐;

    If you find serenity and happiness , they may be jealous ; Be happy an .

  24. 抱歉,在我想到电吉他乐时,我会想到吉米·亨德里克斯。

    Excuse me , but when I think of electric guitar music , I think of Jimi Hendrix .

  25. 我们今天所读的经文,有时会被误解为,我们若以神为乐,祂便会对我们有求必应。

    Our passage for today has sometimes been misunderstood to mean that God will give us whatever we want if we delight in him .

  26. 对任何感官欲乐的贪爱会导致不断地轮回,不会引导你到达涅盘大海。

    The attachment to any sensual pleasure leads you to repeated rebirth in the cycle of existence ; it does not lead you to Nibbana , the ocean .

  27. Levision公司表示,他们的乐创系列机器人会对外出售,只要买家的项目和购买用途符合乐创团队的标准。

    Levision says that their letrons can be for sale , provided that the buyers project and their reasons for use , meets the criteria of the Letrons team .

  28. 虽然你仍然喜欢嘻哈乐,但是你会以更为挑剔的眼光去看待这种文化,尤其是当你研究了其它的音乐流派、四处周游并加以认真思考的话。

    Although you still love it , you look at its culture from a more critical perspective , particularly if you have studied other music genres , traveled widely and reflected intensely .

  29. 播放古典乐而不是流行乐时,顾客会花更多的钱。

    When classical , rather than pop , music was playing , diners spent more .

  30. 摇滚乐是我喜欢的那一种音乐,我两个月前才去了摇滚乐的演唱会,那真是棒极了。

    Rock is the type of music that I like I just went to a rock concert two months ago.It was da-bomb .