
qiáo mù
  • tree;arbor;macrophanerophytes
乔木 [qiáo mù]
  • [tree] 高大的树木

  • 并汾乔木。--宋. 沈括《梦溪笔谈》

  • 废池乔木。--宋. 姜夔《扬州慢》词

乔木[qiáo mù]
  1. hm-2,其中乔木层为194.772t。

    Hm ~ ( - 2 ), of which the arbor layer biomass was 194.772 t.

  2. 第二类(胸径≥20cm与树高≥6m)共1445株,其中大乔木1株、中乔木368株、乔木1076株;

    The second category ( DBH ≥ 20cm and H ≥ 6 m ) has 1445 plants making up of one big arbor and 368 middle arbors and 1076 small arbors ;

  3. 修剪灌木和乔木这样的木本植物时必须小心。

    Care must be taken when trimming around woody plants like shrubs and trees

  4. 树状花木(shrubstandards)是指外形区别于灌丛状而似乔木状的灌木或藤本植物的总称(本文把乔灌两型植物也归类为灌木)。

    Shrub standards refers to those shrubs and climbing plants with a shape similar to trees instead of shrubs .

  5. 珠三角城市森林群落优势乔木吸收C、N、S和重金属Pb、Cd、As能力研究

    Study on C , N , S and Heavy Metal Pb , Cd , As Accumulation in Urban Forest Community in Pearl River Delta

  6. 常绿阔叶树种不同生活型植物N和P含量存在一定差异,常绿阔叶乔木树种N和P含量高于常绿阔叶灌木树种。

    Deciduous broad-leaved species have consistently higher leaf N and P than evergreen broad-leaved species , but there are no significant differences in stems , branches and roots .

  7. 群落的结构层次可分为乔木(I、II)层、灌木层和草本层;

    The structure of communities is complex which can be divided into tree layer ( I , II ), shrub layer and herb layer .

  8. 无论是富磷还是正常区域,草本植物的N、P和K含量均高于木本植物,乔木与灌木差异不明显。

    Higher P and K contents were observed in plants growing in higher P areas , but higher N / P and K / P were observed in lower P sites .

  9. 结果表明:W值影响群落的乔木层种类,(K+W)值影响林下的种类组成和配置状况。

    W value affects the species of tree stratum in the community where ( K + W ) value affects the species composition and distribution .

  10. 但在H′、D、PIE、J(sw)和J(si)方面,表现为:草本层>乔木层>灌木层。

    Whereas , for H ' , D , PIE and Jsw , it is herb layer > tree layer > shrub layer .

  11. 对祁连山不同类型条件下的祁连圆柏群落生物量和营养元素积累量的测定结果表明:祁连圆柏群落生物量为231.20t/hm2,其中乔木层占98.34%,灌木层占1.60%,草本层占0.06%;

    Biomass and nutrient element accumulation of Sabina przewalskii forest community of different types were measured in the Qilian Mountains .

  12. McIntosh指数的U值均大于1,也证明了群落中的乔木种数不是太多。

    The U values of McIntosh index were all above 1 , which also proved the tree species in communities were not too many .

  13. 高大的银杏树构成建筑物生动的入口,在低矮的石墙后面的开花乔木和云南黄馨围绕在建筑的VIP停车场和入口区域。

    Tall ginkgo trees frame the building 's dramatic entry and flowering trees and cascading jasmine behind low stone walls enclose the building 's VIP parking and entry court .

  14. 乔木层和灌木层的α多样性(ShannonWiener指数)呈下降趋势,草本层则变化不明显;

    With increasing altitude , α diversity , represented by the Shannon-Wiener index , decreased for both tree and shrub layers , with no clear trend for herb layer .

  15. 根据从SanIsidro地区泥炭沼泽获得的孢粉组合中乔木和灌木花粉百分含量变化,建立了两个组合带。

    Two pollen zones were defined in the San Isidro peat bog on the basis of percentage changes of tree and shrubs taxa .

  16. 乔木层中营养元素积累量为471.27~668.75kgHM2,其中干材营养元素积累量约占乔木层的14.9%~16.7%。

    The total nutrient element accumulation in tree layer was 471.27 ~ 668.75 ? kg / hm 2 , of which stem occupied about 14.9 % ~ 16.7 % .

  17. 运用聚类分析、PCA排序等方法将群落演替阶段划分为草本群落阶段、灌丛阶段、小乔木阶段、乔林阶段、顶极季雨林阶段;

    Community succession was divided into five stages by using Cluster method , PCA method ; the succesion stages include herbaceous stage , scrub-shrub stage , small tree stage , arbor stage and climax seasonal rain forest stage .

  18. 就乔木(DBH>2.5cm)而言,3个样地的物种多样性和均匀度指数从1982年至1994年都已增长。

    For trees ( DBH > 2.5 ), species diversity and evenness indices increased from 1982 to 1994 in all the three forests .

  19. 以群落样方为一维综合资源位,研究了炼山后华山松(Pinusarmandii)针阔混交群落与天然林中主要乔木种群的生态位特征。

    Niche characteristics of main tree populations in Pinus armandii needle broad-leaved mixed forest after controlled burning and in natural forest were analyzed by taking community composition types as one-dimension resource states .

  20. 乔木P2O5循环速率是0.881,灌木为0.758,草地为1.000。

    The speed of P_2O_5 recycling of tree vegetation was ( 0.881 ), while shrub and herbage vegetation was 0.758 and 1.000 , respectively .

  21. 西伯利亚红松(Pinussibirica)是欧亚大陆寒温带针叶林(泰加林)的著名成林树种,与红松(P.koraiensis)近缘,为材果兼优大乔木。

    Pinus sibirica is a well-known forest species of Eurasian boreal coniferous forest ( taiga ), which is excellent both for fruit and material , and relative to Pinus koraiensis .

  22. 平均不含灰分热值(AFCV)从低到高依次是草本层(18.55KJ/g)、灌木层(19.72KJ/g)、乔木层(21.19KJ/g)。

    The ash free calorific value ( AFCV ) was the highest in the tree layer , the second highest in the shrub layer and the lowest in herbaceous layer . They were 21.19, 19.72 and 18.55 KJ / g , respectively .

  23. 从乔木层、灌木层到草本层,灰分含量依次增加,GCV和AFCV则依次降低。

    The mean ash content increased in an order from tree layer , shrub layer to herb layer , while those of GCV and AFCV decreased .

  24. 在北方蓖麻为一年生草本植物,在我国的中部地区为宿根多年生植物,而在我国的南部地区,蓖麻则长成高达5~10m的小乔木,寿命可达10~15年。

    Castor is an annual herb in the north of China , perennial plant in mid & China , 5 ~ 10 meters high in the south of China , with a life of 10 to 15 years .

  25. 所有品种的核型特征各不相同,乔木大叶型品种的核型为较对称的2A类型,而灌木中叶型的品种为较不对称的2B类型。

    According to chromosome classification , karyotypes of those with tree form and large leaf were more symmetric , belonging to 2A type , and those with shrub form and smaller leaf were less symmetric , belonging to 2B type .

  26. 为大戟科(Euphorbiaceae)麻疯树属半肉质小乔木或大灌木,具有很强的抗旱、耐贫瘠的特性。

    Is a semi-fleshy small tree or large shrub , belonging to Euphorbiaceae family , Jatropha genus , which has highly tolerance to drought and nutrient deficiency .

  27. 群落较为低矮,平均高约7~8m,乔木层垂直分化不明显,具山顶矮林的特色。

    The forest community is low , with an average height of 7 ~ 8 m and less apparent stratification in the tree layer , the features were similar to those of the montane elfin forest .

  28. 当地下水埋深超过8m,地下2m处土壤含水率达到12%以下,大部分乔木林枯梢率达到90%以上,而灌木林枯梢率也达到50%以上。

    When the depth of groundwater was deeper than 8m and soil water content was less than 12 % , the die-back rate of tree was morn than 90 % , and that of shrub was more than 50 % .

  29. 花椒(ZanthoxylumbungeanumMaxim)原产于我国,为芸香科、花椒属落叶灌木或小乔木,是重要的调味品、香料及木本油料树种之一。

    Chinese prickly ash tree ( Zanthoxylum bungeanum Maxim ), which originally grows in China , belongs to family Rutaceae , and it is one of the important species of the tree for flavors , wood oil and spice .

  30. 经过3a的调查研究,得知长白山野生果树共有23科、37属、97种。其中乔木8科、12属、33种;

    After three years of investigation , it demonstrated that the wild fruit trees belong to 23 families , 37 genera , 97 species in total , among which there are trees 8 families , 12 genera and 33 species ;