
Qiáo ɡē lǐ fēnɡ
  • Chogori
  1. 在他1993年攀登乔戈里峰(K2)的时候,他还发现并带回了美国登山者阿特·吉尔凯(ArtGilkey)(于1953年,死于雪崩)的遗物,包括几块较轻且干净的尸骨和一些破旧的衣物。

    In 1993 , on K2 , he also found and carried down the light , clean bones and ragged clothing of Art Gilkey , an American climber swept away by an avalanche in 1953 .

  2. 现在,几乎从所有的山脊人们都已攀登过乔戈里峰了。

    The peak has now been climbed from almost all ridges .

  3. 1953年,第三支美国探险队在查尔斯·休斯顿医生的率领下尝试攀登乔戈里峰。

    Another American attempt on K2 was made in1953.The expedition leader was Dr.

  4. 卡尔·科布拉于2004年将重返乔戈里峰。卡尔·科布拉于2003年率领的登山队登顶失败了。

    Karl Kobler will be back on K2 in2004.Karl Kobler led and unsuccessful expedition in2003 .

  5. 1954年,一支意大利探险队来到巴基斯坦想在乔戈里峰上碰碰运气。

    In1954 , an Italian expedition came to Pakistan to try its luck on K2 .

  6. 1938年,美国阿尔卑斯俱乐部倡议创办了一支乔戈里峰勘测探险队。

    In1938 , the American Alpine Club sponsored a reconnaissance party for a visit to K2 area .

  7. 然而探险队从南到东北对乔戈里峰完成了彻底的勘探。

    The party , however , carried out a thorough reconnaissance of K2 from south to north-east .

  8. 乔戈里峰在不同的时间里曾被描述成“令人敬畏的”“杀手”和“野蛮之峰”。

    K2 has variously been described as the " awesome "," killer " and " savage " mountain .

  9. 尽管尽了最大努力,美国人还是没能从东南山脊攀登乔戈里峰。

    In spite of their very best efforts , the Americans could not climb K2 from the south-east ridge .

  10. 探险队队员华尔特·博纳提讲述了发生在乔戈里峰上不同的故事。

    One of the expedition members , Walter Bonatti , tells a different story of what happened on K2 .

  11. 被错误称为戈德温-奥斯仃峰的乔戈里峰是他发现的,这真是荒诞的说法。

    It is a myth that the K2 peak , which was erroneously called Godwin-Austen peak , was discovered by him .

  12. 珠穆朗玛峰、乔戈里峰、乞力马扎罗山不断迎来挑战自我的人,其他成千上百座我们连名字都不熟悉的山也同样如此。

    Everest , K2 , and Mt. Kilimanjaro have been conquered repeatedly , as have hundreds of others that most of us have never heard of .

  13. 1937年,英国两位著名的登山家哈罗德·威廉·提尔曼和艾力克·伊尔·施普顿对乔戈里峰北壁及其附属冰川进行了探险和勘测。

    Two famous British mountaineers , Harold William Tilman and Eric Earle Shipton , explored and surveyed the north face of K2 and its subsidiary glaciers in1937 .

  14. 几天以后他们尝试攀登乔戈里萨峰,但是这是布尔最后的山峰了,在接近峰顶的时候,他坠入一个雪檐,死了。

    Some days later they attempted chogolisa , but it was Buhls last mountain , near the summit he fell through a cornice to his death .