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  • 网络joleen;Jolene;Jolinda
  1. 看来你们都见过乔琳2号了吧。

    I see you 've all met Jolene two .

  2. 乔琳是我念大学时最有名的歌手。

    Jolin was the most famous singer at the time I was in college .

  3. 不幸的是你妈强迫我退回去的那头,乔琳被一家儿童医院残忍地收养了。

    Sadly , the original Jolene that your mother made me return was cruelly adopted by a children 's hospital .

  4. 我或许会跟你唱反调,但我需要你强迫我把乔琳2号也退回去。

    I may fight you on this , but I 'm gonna need you to make me get rid of Jolene two .