
  1. 那准备什么时候让你儿子也买幢住住?

    When your kid wants to buy a house on the hill ?

  2. 为什么爸爸没有买大房子住?

    Why does not Dad have a large house ?

  3. 我真想摆脱这种激烈的竞争,在偏僻的乡下地方买间房子住下。

    I ′ d love to get out of the rat race and buy a house in some remote part of the countryside .

  4. That’sterrific!真了不起!我买了套房子住。

    A : I just bought a house to live in . B : That 's terrific .

  5. 还说你绝不买老妇人才会住的房子

    and said you 'd never buy an old lady house .

  6. 我在斯卡斯戴尔买了一栋住不起的新房子

    I bought a brand-new house in Scarsdale that I could not afford

  7. 我正准备存钱自己买一个房车住。

    I was supposed to be saving money to get my own Trailer home .

  8. 去年,他们三个买了房子一起住。

    Last year , they all bought a house they could live in together .

  9. 凯杰买公寓给金凤住,维持两人不正当的关系。

    Kaijie buys a condominium unit for Jinfeng to stay in and both continue their illicit affair .

  10. 不论房价高低,反正低收入城市家庭和农民工根本买不起房住。

    Irrespective of whether housing prices were high or low , migrant workers or low-income urban families can rarely afford to buy a house in cities .

  11. 在决定买房还是租房更适合你之前,可以先考虑以下这些问题:你打算在新买的房子里住多久?

    Here are some questions to consider when deciding if buying or renting is the right choice for you : How long do you plan to stay in your home ?

  12. 活人买不起房子住,死人买不起一个小盒子安身,一位愤怒的中国人在网上发帖表示。

    When one is alive he can 't afford to buy a house to live in and when he is dead he can 't afford a tiny box to rest in , says one outraged Chinese person in an internet posting .