
  1. 所制得的多孔炭含有三个物相:乱层结构的炭、石墨以及面心立方炭。

    The prepared porous carbons comprise three phases : disordered carbon , graphite and cubic carbon .

  2. 炭材料的石墨化度是各项性能最重要的指标之一,通过石墨化,碳进一步富集,碳原子实现由乱层结构向石墨晶体结构的有序转化。

    The graphitization of carbon materials is one of the most important factors to their properties . The thermodynamically unstable carbon is transformed into graphite structure by graphitizing .

  3. 还讨论了在低过剩压驱动下,促进金刚石晶体外延生长的碳源可能是活化的碳原子而不是具有乱层结构特征的再结晶石墨。

    It has also been discussed that the active carbon atoms rather than recrystallized graphite grains might play as a source of carbon for epitaxial growth of diamond under lower excess pressure .

  4. 随处理温度增加,BCN化合物由乱层石墨结构向多晶体转变。

    With the increasing of the temperature , B-C-N compound transformed from turbostratic graphite-like structure into polycrystalline crystal .

  5. 炭化温度在600~900℃时,随炭化温度的增加,炭化物由玻璃炭结构逐渐向乱层石墨结构转变。

    At 600 ~ 900 ℃, with the increase of pyrolytic temperature , the glass carbon structure had been changed to a kind of disorder graphite gradually .

  6. 处理前碳纤维的微观结构是乱层石墨结构;处理后碳纤维表面的石墨微晶变得清晰规整,同时大大增加了石墨微晶层面边缘碳原子的数目。

    Before treatment carbon fibers exhibited the structure of disorder graphite layers , while after treatment graphite microcrystals became more clear and regular on carbon-fiber surface and the amount of carbon atoms at the edge of layer planes of graphite microcrystals was greatly increased .

  7. 三聚氰胺热解产物再经脉冲放电和高速冲击加咏冲放电处理后,产物仍保持乱层石墨型结构,但有序性明显提高。

    After the treatment of pulsed discharge and high-speed impact , the crystal structure of the CN powder is still turbostratic , however , its structure order degree increases significantly .