
rǔ yóu
  • Emulsifiable concentrate;missible oil
乳油[rǔ yóu]
  1. 乳氟禾草灵2.16%,方法快速、简便、准确,可作为双特乳油质量标准的一个分析方法。

    It is fast , simple , accurate , may become the analyze method for the missible oil quality standard .

  2. 通过测定龙葵、蒲公英乙醇提取物在多种溶剂中的溶解度和扩展性,筛选出配制乳油的溶剂:二甲苯、N,N-二甲基甲酰胺;

    The best solvents was xylene and N , N-dimethylformamide that dissolved the extract perfectly .

  3. 用HPLC法同时测定混合乳油草敌中的灭草松和2,4-滴丁酯

    Determination of Bentazon and 2,4-D Butyl in Mixture Formulation by HPLC

  4. ~(31)pNMR对马拉硫磷乳油中马拉硫磷及其有机磷杂质的分析

    ~ ( 31 ) P NMR Analysis of Malathion and Primary Organic Phosphorus Impurities in Malathion EC

  5. 40%毒死蜱·噻嗪酮乳油EC防治稻飞虱的效果

    The Control Effect of 40 % Chlorpyrifos · Buprofezin EC on Rice Hopper

  6. 水分散性DHA乳油制备及稳定性研究

    Study on the Preparation and Stability of Water Dispersible DHA Emulsion

  7. 结果表明:甲氧滴滴涕乳油对菜青虫的触杀LD(50)值为9.6720微克/克;

    The result showed that the contact LD50 of DMDT was 9 . 6720 μ g / g indoor ;

  8. 25%2·4D丁酯+20%辛酰碘苯腈乳油的液相色谱分析

    Determination of 25 % 2.4-D Butylate and 20 % Ioxynil Octanoate EC by HPLC

  9. 该方法的精密度为辛硫磷乳油中辛硫磷的相对标准偏差4.3%,神光乳油中辛硫磷的RSD是3.6%;

    The relative standard deviation is 4.3 % of phoxim in phoxim emulsifiable concentrate , 3.6 % of Shenguang emulsifiable concentrate .

  10. 其中2.5%楝素.烟碱乳油、16000IU/mgBt可湿性粉剂、10%烟碱乳油又为生物源农药,应大力推广使用。

    Toosedarin · nicotine 2.5 % EC , 16000 IU / mg BT WP and nicotine 10 % EC should be spreaded vigorously for biogenic insecticides .

  11. 凝固剂种类对大豆蛋白质组分7S和11S胶凝能力的影响农药乳油的胶凝

    Gelation Ability of Soy 7S and 11S Proteins as Affected by Different Coagulants Gelation of Pesticide Emulsifiable Concentrate

  12. 结果:LW-特效灭蟑乳油经高低温储存试验,其乳油及乳状液的稳定性均达到国际粮农组织(FAO)规定的标准;

    Results : In storage tests at high and low temperature , the emulsifiable concentrate and emulsion was very steady and it reached standard of FAO .

  13. 对乳油(EC)乐果和可湿性粉剂(WP)托尔克水溶液的表面张力也有不同程度的降低,为9.54%~21.82%。

    And the surface tension of dimethoate EC and torque WP solutions were also decreased at different extent , by 9 54 % & 21 82 % .

  14. 在这里,纺丝油及针织坯布中的其他杂质被彻底清除。~(31)pNMR对马拉硫磷乳油中马拉硫磷及其有机磷杂质的分析

    Here , spinning oils as well as the other impurities present in the grey knitted fabric are thoroughly washed out and removed . ~ ( 31 ) P NMR Analysis of Malathion and Primary Organic Phosphorus Impurities in Malathion EC

  15. 本文以OV-101为固定液,正二十二烷为内标物,气相色谱法测定溴苯腈辛酸酯乳油中有效成分含量。

    The contents of the formulation of bromoxynil octanoate was determined by gas chromatography with FID on OV-101 , and n-docosane as internal standard .

  16. 田间防治试验表明,印楝素乳油对斜纹夜蛾种群有良好的控制作用,施药7d后其防治效果要优于化学农药10%除尽悬浮剂。

    Field experiments confirmed that after 7 days application , azadirachtin could effectively control Spodoptera litura , being more efficient than the chemistry pesticide , 10 % Chu-Jin SC.

  17. 通过田间试验研究,探索了装配GP81喷头的运五型飞机喷洒2,4D丁酯乳油稀释液的雾滴漂移状况,建立了有关数学模型。

    The drift of droplets in spraying diluted 2,4-D butyl ester emulsion by Yun-5 aircraft mounted the GP-81 nozzle has been studied , and a mathematical model has also been set up in this paper .

  18. 用反相高效液相色谱法,采用Nova-PakC18柱,波长220nm,以甲醇∶水(80∶20)作为流动相,以邻苯二甲酸二丁酯为内标,对恶草酮乳油进行定量分析。

    A RP-HPLC method for the determination of oxadiazon 12 % EC was developed . Using Nova-Pak C 18 column , ultraviolet absorption detector ( 220nm );

  19. 研究了咪鲜胺(prochloraz)及其制剂施保克(Sportak,25%咪鲜胺乳油)在6种水稻土中的吸附行为和吸附机理。

    The adsorption behavior and mechanism of prochloraz and its formulation were studied in six kinds of paddy soil .

  20. 莫比朗(Mospilan)3%乳油在烟草及土壤中残留试验研究

    Study on residue experiment of 3 % Mospilan emulsifiable concentrate in tobacco leaves and soil

  21. 95%机油乳油的防治效果也较好,其药后25d的防治效果为77.9%。

    The effect of Petroleum oils 73 % was also good and the control percentage was 77.9 % at 25d after application .

  22. 采用气相色谱法在GDX102色谱柱上分离和测定净叶宝系列乳油中的水分;

    A method for the determination of water content in emulsifiable concentrate of pesticide Jingyebao has been studied by gas chromatography on the GDX_102 column .

  23. 结果应用超低容量喷雾器充分发挥残杀威乳油对德国小蠊的杀灭作用,施药3次30d后灭效高达98%。

    Results The application of ultra low volume sprayer made full use of Propoxur cream . The killing rate was up to 98 % after 30 days for 3 times .

  24. 结果表明,5%啶虫脒可湿性粉剂3000倍液,1.8%阿维菌素乳油2000倍液,在药后2d、5d和14d的防效,均明显优于40%氧乐果乳油1000倍液。

    Result of the experiments showed that the effect of 5 % acetaniprid and 1.8 % abamectin were all excelled the effect of 40 % omethoate after their used 2 days , 5 days and 14 days .

  25. 由于传统农药剂型如乳油(EC)、可湿性粉剂(WP)等因含有大量苯类有机溶剂或粉尘,对环境和人员造成了严重的污染和危害,属淘汰性制剂。

    Traditional pesticide formulations such as the emulsifiable concentrate and wettable powder contain plenty of benzene organic solvents or dust , and hence result in serious environmental pollution and do great harm to human beings , thus being included in the list of elimination .

  26. 建议30%二甲戊乐灵乳油的使用剂量为990gai·hm-2时,施药1次,距甘蓝采收时的安全间隔期为30d。

    According to the results , we recommended to apply 33 % pendimethalin EC one time at a dose of 990 g ai · hm - 2 with a safe interval of 30 days from harvest .

  27. 25%咪鲜胺乳油400倍液和800倍液,浸果1min,分别在30d和20d后,柑桔中咪鲜胺残留量降至安全水平。

    Residues of prochloraz in orange dipped in 400 and 800 times diluted 25 % prochloraz EC for 1 minute decreased to safety level respectively 30 and 20 days later .

  28. 0.3%印楝素乳油1000~2000倍液药后1d对菜青虫的毒杀作用效果较差,菜青虫死亡率仅为20.00%~34.00%,但第3天的保叶效果较好,为91.34%~96.13%;

    0.3 % azadirachtin EC gave only 20.00 % ~ 34.00 % mortality rate on the pest in the first day , but provided 91.34 % ~ 96.13 % leave protecting effect in the third day with dilutions of 1 000 ~ 2 000 times .

  29. 本文采用气相色谱法,使用QF1色谱柱和氢火焰离子化检测器,以正十八烷为内标物,对10%高渗敌敌畏乳油进行色谱分离和测定。

    A method is introduced for the determination of 10 % high penetration dichlorvos EC by gas chromatography on QF 1 chromatographic column and flame ionization detector using n-octadecane as internal standard .

  30. 以马拉硫磷(0.45g/ml)、敌百虫(0.90g/ml)以及由该两种杀虫剂混配的农药[敌-马乳油(0.40g/ml)]为供试药剂,采用腹部注射法对中华稻蝗5龄若虫进行毒力测定。

    In this paper , the toxicity of three insecticides : Malathion ( 0.45g / ml ), Trichlorfon ( 0.90g / ml ) and their mixture ( 0.40g / ml ) to the 5th instar larvae of grasshopper was tested by injecting .