
  • 网络supervision in the act
  1. 如何寻求有效的监督,可以从三个方面入手:事前监督、事中监督、事后监督。

    Effective supervision can begin with the following steps : supervision before the event , at present and after the event .

  2. 对电信侦控进行控制的具体程序部分按照控制论的思想,将电信侦控的控制按时间点分为事前审查、事中监督与事后处理几个部分。

    In the specific procedures to control , according to cybernetics thought , detecting by telecommunications is divided into the prior review , the middle review and the treatment after review by time point .

  3. 财政资金运行缺乏事前监督和有效的事中事后监督。

    Financial oversight and effective operation of the business in prior post supervision .

  4. 本文认为,企业只有充分认识和协调运用这两个系统,把事前的目标责任与事中的监督考核以及事后的分析评价有机的结合在一起,才能正确运用杜邦分析法。

    Only integrating beforehand target responsibility into control and post-assessment can Du Pont System be perfectly used .

  5. 在实施时采取事前准备、事中检查监督、事后总结3步进行。

    Preparing beforehand , checking in , summing afterwards are the three steps of its operating course .

  6. 通过健全监督法律体系、加强事前预防和事中制约监督、监督模式向开放式转变三方面健全制度反腐监督体系。

    The fourth one is improving the supervision system of institutional anti-corruption by improving legal system , strengthening supervision system in advance and restrict supervision and shifting supervision mode to open .

  7. 基于对会计信息失真危害性及形成原因的分析,我们提出事前预防、事中控制、事后监督的会计信息质量保证体系。

    Based on the research of the reason and hazard of untrue accounting information , We put forward an accounting information 's quality guaranteed system based on prevention in advance 、 controlling underway and monitoring after happened .