
  • 网络Accident Parts
  1. 那次火车事故是件可怕的事。

    The railway accident was a terrible affair .

  2. 据统计1998&2003年黄浦江共发生事故1775件,沉船316艘,死亡125人,事故损失达32968万元。

    According to the statistics of year 1998 to 2003 , 1775 accidents happened in this river , causing 316 vessels sunk , 125 people died and 32968 million RMB lost .

  3. 据国家环境保护总局统计,2001-2004年,我国每年环境污染和破坏事故都在1400-2000件之间。

    According to the statistics of State Environmental Protection Administration , there were nearly 1400-2000 environmental pollution and damage accidents per year during 2001-2004 .

  4. 它可以保证焊机正常工作,减少机械和电气事故,延长易损件使用寿命,减低工作强度从而实现无间隙地生产钢材,大幅度提高车间的经济效益,降低生产成本,提高钢材质量。

    It can assure the working reliability of welding machine , decrease the mechanical and electric fault , prolong apparatus 's life , reduce cost and increase product quality .