
  • 网络event scenario
  1. 其悲剧片青睐用激励事件、情节转折点控制叙事节奏,注重友情和亲情的表达。

    His tragic films prefer controlling narrative rhythm by incentive events and plot turning points , and pay much attention to friendship and kinship expression .

  2. 著名的《大武》就是综合了舞、乐、诗等艺术形式,表现武王灭商这一历史事件的情节性大型歌舞。

    The well-known " Dawu " was a grand dance which incorporated the art forms of dance , music and poetry together in depicting Emperor Wu 's expedition to overthrow the Shang Dynasty .

  3. 叶兆言的小说,极为重视场景的刻画,他每每通过场景的刻画补偿对于事件(情节)的不足,这也显示了他小说故事的一贯特征,即:情节粗疏、场面精致。

    He often put scene portray as compensation for event ( or plot ) insufficiency , which shows his consistent characteristic of novel , that is : the plot is rough , the scene is fine .

  4. 法官艾利森·内森表示,该事件“情节严重,骇人听闻”,应予以重判。他还补充说道,由于乐成的通讯信息在网上被截获,所以该事件并未致人员伤害。

    Judge Alison Nathan said the " horrible , serious and quite terrifying offense " required a severe sentence , but added that no one had been harmed by the plot because Le 's communications were intercepted online .

  5. 申请审议有理由者,监理会应以审定撤销劳保局原核定之全部或一部,并得视事件之情节,径为变更审定或发回劳保局另为处分。

    The application consideration has the reason ; the Supervisory Commission shall rescind whole or part of original examination and approval of BLI and regard plot of the event to change the examination and approval directly or send back to bli for another disciplinary action .

  6. 土耳其发生未遂军事政变之后,他的运动中更阴暗的可疑点已作为事件的中心情节浮出水面,埃尔多安指责他是阴谋的主谋。

    The darker suspicions of his movement have emerged as a central plotline in the aftermath of the failed military coup in Turkey , with Mr. Erdogan accusing him of being the mastermind of the conspiracy .

  7. 平壤方面出于它的倾向以及(我们必须承认)它在喜剧方面的权利,看不懂这一切都是搞笑,由此引发了一连串地缘政治上的紧张、恐慌和泄密事件,其情节就像一部紧张刺激的好莱坞大片。

    Pyongyang , as is its tendency and , one must acknowledge , its right in matters of comedy , didn 't get the joke - and that has led to a series of geopolitical thrills , chills and spills worthy of an action-packed Hollywood blockbuster .

  8. 事件序列上频繁情节发现的研究

    Research on Discovering Frequent Episodes in Event Sequences