
  • 网络Fiyta
  1. 为了应对复杂的太空环境,飞亚达研发了首枚手动上链多功能机械机芯。

    Fiyta specially developed a multi-functional mechanical movement in preparation for the harsh and complex space environment .

  2. 20世纪初,经过相关部门重重检测,飞亚达从众多腕表品牌中脱颖而出,成为中国航天事业合作夥伴。

    Fiyta became the official timekeeper for China 's aeronautical exploits in the20th Century despite intense competition from numerous wristwatch brands .

  3. 2003年,中国首次载人飞船「神舟五号」成功遨游太空并返航,航天英雄杨杨利伟佩戴飞亚达航天表。

    Chinese maiden manned spacecraft " Shenzhou V " successfully completed a space flight mission in2003.Astronaut Yang Liwei wore Fiyta Space Watch throughout the mission .