
fēi mò chuán bō
  • droplet transmission
  1. 主要通过飞沫传播,发病前或潜伏期末1-2天至出疹后5天内均有传染性,在前驱期尤其是出现口腔粘膜斑时最强。

    Measles is transmitted mainly through droplet transmission , the time from prior to the onset of 1-2 days to 5 days after the rash is contagious period , especially in the precursor phase with oral mucosa plaques which is the strongest contagious period .

  2. MERS可通过密切接触以及飞沫传播。

    The MERS is transmitted through close contact and respiratory droplets .

  3. APP通过飞沫传播或感染动物接触传播,定植于猪下呼吸道表皮细胞。

    The A. pleuropneumoniae organism is transmitted via respiratory droplets or through direct contact with infected animals . It colonizes the epithelial cells of the lower respiratory tract of pigs .

  4. 21世纪,全球性的人口流动愈加频繁,一些通过空气或飞沫传播的传染病(如SARS、H1N1等)变得越来越多,给我们的生命安全带来极大的威胁。

    As the international exchange is becoming increasingly frequent in 21st Century . Some infectious disease ( such as SARS 、 H1N1 , etc ) transmitting by airborne or droplet-nuclei become more and more to bring to our lives a great threat .

  5. 小儿麻痹症病毒通过空气飞沫传播

    You inhale the polio virus from droplets in the air .

  6. 还有记录表明,可通过呼吸道飞沫传播。

    Transmission via droplet respiratory particles has also been documented .

  7. 这是为了避免因曝气而引起的飞沫传播。

    This is to avoid aeration caused by droplets .

  8. 病毒和细菌也可通过咳嗽或喷嚏在空气中产生的飞沫传播。

    They may also spread via air-borne droplets from a cough or sneeze .

  9. 医院医院感染的金黄色葡萄球菌流行株主要为Ⅰ型,有可能经飞沫传播;

    Type ⅰ is the pop S.aureus strain in hospital-acquired infection of our hospital .

  10. 流感嗜血杆菌经由受感染者(但不一定有症状)的飞沫传播。

    Haemophilus influenzae infection is transmitted by droplets from infected ( but not necessarily symptomatic ) people .

  11. 因为是飞沫传播,远东地区人们开始在公共场合戴口罩(准确翻译应该是外科手术用面罩)。

    Because of the droplet spread , people in the Far East have begun wearing surgical face masks in public .

  12. 在与未经治疗的病例密切和频繁接触期间,该病通过来自口鼻的飞沫传播。

    It is transmitted via droplets , from the nose and mouth , during close and frequent contacts with untreated cases .

  13. 大量的临床经验和研究已经表明:呼吸道型传染病最主要的传播途径是飞沫传播和病毒沿空气途径传播。

    A lot of experiences on clinic and researches suggest that : the main methods to spread respiratory infections are droplets and bacteria diffuse in air .

  14. 达乌德说,这种病毒有可能不仅通过咳嗽和打喷嚏的飞沫传播-与季节性流感类似-而且通过粪便污染的手。

    It 's possible the virus is spreading not only through coughed and sneezed droplets as with seasonal flu but also through feces-contaminated hands , said Dawood .

  15. 虽然在咳嗽和打喷涕时通过大的飞沫传播被认为是主要的流感传播途径,但是通过受污染的手传播可能是一个促进因素。

    Although transmission by large droplets when people cough or sneeze is considered the major route of influenza spread , transmission via contaminated hands may be a contributing factor .

  16. 答:由受感染者的飞沫传播,直接接触受感染者的分泌物也会受感染。(因接触传染病人)可能受到传染者

    Transmission is by respiratory droplets and direct contact with a patient 's secretions . Person who may be infectious because he has recently been near to sb who has a contagious disease

  17. 流感及其他呼吸道病毒主要通过咳嗽、打喷嚏或说话时散播的飞沫传播,它也会附着在物体表面,通过被污染的手指接触传染。

    Influenza and other respiratory viruses are spread in small droplets broadcast by coughing , sneezing and talking and which can also settle onto surfaces , to be picked up on fingertips .

  18. 流感潜伏期短、经呼吸道飞沫传播,传播迅速,抗原易变异,人群对变异株普遍易感,控制难度大。

    Influenza has a short incubation time , transmission through droplets , people got infection easily because of the frequently antigenic mutation of influenza virus , and all these factors make it too difficult to control .

  19. 结论2004年发生在江苏省东台市轻型急性呼吸道感染爆发疫情的病原体为腺病毒,传播途径主要以飞沫传播及密切接触为主。

    Conclusion The agent of acute respiratory tract infection syndrome broken out in Dongtai areas , Jiangsu province in 2004 was confirmed as adenovirus , and the transmission route mainly were contacts with the aerosol in the air and cases .

  20. 细菌通过呼吸道或者咽喉分泌物飞沫在人间传播。

    The bacteria are transmitted from person to person through droplets of respiratory or throat secretions .

  21. 传播途径主要为近距离飞沫和密切接触传播。

    Close face to face contact with infected droplets is the main form of transmission .

  22. 它具有的高度传染性是由结核病感染患者咳嗽或打喷嚏的飞沫进入空气进行传播。

    It 's highly contagious , and it 's transmitted by breathing in droplets of air from the cough or sneeze of a TB-infected person .