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shì tǐ
  • affair;business;things;decorum;matter
事体 [shì tǐ]
  • (1) [things] 〈方〉∶事情

  • 不知事体如何

  • (2) [decorum]∶事情的体统

  • 虑违事体

事体[shì tǐ]
  1. 田野调查知识方式对于文艺起源研究而言乃是20世纪的知识学事体。

    The knowledge mode of field work was a matter of knowledge studies in the 20th century concerning the origins of literature and art .

  2. 我们不能指望个个都天生能做正经事体。

    We are not all made for weighty business .

  3. 你刚才说“事体”?

    Did you just say " thang " ?

  4. 在一些异国人看来,学习华文已变成它们最为头痛的事体。

    In some foreigners eyes ' , the learning of Chinese has become the most difficult thing for them .

  5. 第一小姐和第三小姐:啥个事体?哇啦哇啦的小猪猡!

    Miss # 1 and miss # 3 : what 's the problem ? You squeal like little pigs !

  6. 对那些为了在各个知识领域取得关键性进步而从事体制外思考的人,我们应该深深地感激。

    We are indebted to those who think @ outside the box @ for key advancements in every area of knowledge .

  7. 英语中动词与作格动词形成对照,前者描述类属情况,后者描写事体。

    English middles and ergatives are in contrast in that the former is used in generic statements and the latter describes events .

  8. 事体结构在句子论元结构中起重要作用的思想近年来受到越来越多的关注。

    The idea that event structure plays an important role in the argument structure of a sentence has gained great attraction in recent years .

  9. 因为在自然的事体和国家的事务上都有一种秘诀,就是变一事不如变多事的安全。

    For it is a secret , both in nature , and state ; that it is safer to change many things , than one .

  10. 该复杂事体结构存在的前提是外在论元能与内在事体通过某个语义链建立联系。

    The precondition for the formation of the complex event is that the external argument can be combined with the internal event via a certain semantic link .

  11. 前者是曹雪芹合乎事体情理的原创;后者当是程本系统续作者篡改妄拟的荒诞叙事。

    The former view is reasonably proposed by Cao Xueqin , the author of The Dream of Red Mansions , while the latter is falsified by later people .

  12. 基于本研究提出的事体结构映射的假设,非有存现句(即动词不是有)中方位词将出现在主语位置,另一个论元则出现在动词后的位置。

    Based on this hypothesis , in the non-you CEs , the locative phrase will appear in the subject position while another argument will be in the post-verbal position .

  13. 连“望鱼下饭”的不平等都能在这小小的事体中显现出来更不要说在一个国家社会生活中不平等的事有多少了。

    Even the " look " of inequality fish orders can be in this small something appeared in more don 't say in a country social life of the inequality of how many things .

  14. 当一个复杂事体映射到句法结构上时,外在论元处于句法较高处从而能够充当主语,而内在事体中的论元则只能出现在动词后的位置。

    When a complex event is mapped onto the syntactic structure , the external argument is mapped in the higher position and hence serves as the subject , while the argument in the internal event is placed in the post-verbal position .