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shì lǐ
  • reason;logic
事理 [shì lǐ]
  • [reason] 事情的道理

  • 通晓事理

事理[shì lǐ]
  1. 他们为什么不明事理?

    Why can 't they see reason ?

  2. 我还是希望你能明白事理

    I 'm still hoping that you 're gonna listen to reason .

  3. 你应当明白事理,不该那么不懂规矩。

    You should know better than to behave like that .

  4. 你我都是明白事理、思想自由的成年人。

    You and I are mature , freethinking adults .

  5. 调查结果显示,当今的青少年有爱心、明事理,比我们因刻板印象刻画的愤怒而扭曲的形象要快乐得多。

    The survey shows us that today 's teens are affectionate , sensible and far happier than the angry and tortured souls that have been painted for us by stereotypes .

  6. 从前有一位愚蠢而又不通事理的人,口干渴极了,要马上喝水。

    Once there was a fellow desperately in need of water for his thirst .

  7. 智能运输系统的信息物理-事理(WS)研究

    Study on Information Wuli-Shili of Intelligent Transportation System

  8. 本文用物理-事理-人理(WSR)系统方法对电子政务系统进行了综合研究,并给出了具体的方法和步骤。

    In this paper , electronic governance system is studied by WSR system approach .

  9. 本文通过对系统工程方法物理-事理-人理(WSR)的阐述,从系统工程角度对电子政务系统进行综合的分析与研究。

    From the view of system engineering and by the approach of WSR system , electronic governance system is studied in this paper .

  10. 法不是玩弄文字的,而是规定事理的。

    Laws are imposed , not on words , but things .

  11. 我只想把整件事理一下。

    I just need a little break from all of this .

  12. 汤姆叔叔应该明事理,不会信任那家伙。

    Uncle Tom should knew better than to trust that guy .

  13. 浅析事理学设计在小型医疗器械中的应用

    A Brief Discussion on Science Design of Small Medical Instrument Application

  14. 她总是告诉孩子们表现得更明事理些。

    She was always telling the children to behave more sensibly .

  15. 孔子说:你真是不明事理。

    Confucius said : You are not being virtuous here .

  16. 你的父亲比我父亲更明白事理。

    Your father is more understanding than mine by far .

  17. 运用各种暗示点对隐藏的事理逻辑线索进行探查。

    Using cues , clues and hints to detect the hidden relationships .

  18. 她们有的远见卓识、明于事理;

    Some of them were bright with foresight and sagacity ;

  19. 她多明白事理啊,他不无称赞地想。

    What common sense she had , he thought admiringly .

  20. 他父亲试图使他多明白一点事理。

    His father tried to beat some sense in him .

  21. 你会发现其实我是个很明事理的男人。

    You 'll find that I can be a very understanding man .

  22. 他是(不是)一个明白事理的人。

    There is ( a ) deep understanding between them .

  23. 我对那个不明事理的女人憎恨至极。

    I felt an unreasonable hatred for that witless woman .

  24. 马蒂通事理,会和他们解释的

    Marty 's reasonable , okay ? He will explain to them .

  25. 新的事实给这件事理出了一些头绪。

    The new facts threw some lights on the matter .

  26. 事理模型的一种优化处理方法

    An Optimization Method to Solve Reasoning and Logic Models

  27. 明白事理是快乐的源泉。

    Holding sensible views is the source of happiness .

  28. 我们就会明白事理更快地长大,我们就能够拥有一个美好未来。

    Sense we will grow faster , we can have a better future .

  29. 沃森是个笃信宗教、明达事理的青年,为人正直。

    Watson was a pious , sensible young man , of great integrity .

  30. 最近,我学到了许多自己(前)明白的事理。

    Recently , I have learned a lot of new things about myself .