
èr yǐ àn
  • diethylamine
二乙胺[èr yǐ àn]
  1. 2b和二乙胺反应复杂,仅得少量3b和不饱和酰胺11。

    The reaction of 2b with diethylamine was complex and only a small amount of 3a and 11 were obtained .

  2. 在第一步反应中氯化亚铜、二乙胺为催化体系时最佳条件为:温度为70~75℃,反应时间4h,反应物的摩尔比1:2.5,催化剂占苯乙烯物质的量的百分比为2%,产率达88.51%;

    When using cuprum chloridize and diethylamine as catalyst , the optimum reaction condition is that reaction temperature 70 ~ 75 ℃, time 4 h , reactant mole ratio 1:2.5 , catalyst quantity 2 % and the yield is 88.51 % ;

  3. 蒎酮酸经过酰氯化后再和二乙胺反应,合成了可能有生物活性的N,N-二乙基蒎酮酸酰胺。

    Pinonic acyl chloride was reacted with diethyl amine to synthesize N , N-diethyl-pinonic amide .

  4. 麦角酰二乙胺(LSD)对唇针镇痛的影响

    Effect of lysergic acid diethylamide on lip - acupuncture analgesia

  5. 唇针及麦角酰二乙胺(LSD)对大鼠中缝背核单位放电的影响

    Effects of lip-acupuncture and lysergic acid diethylamide ( lsd ) on dorsal raphe unit activity in rats

  6. 流动相:A.3%冰醋酸-二乙胺(1000∶7.8),B.甲醇,C.乙腈(非线性梯度洗脱);柱温:20℃;

    The mobile phase consisted of A : 3 % glacial acetic acid-diethylamine ( 1000:7.8 ), B : methanol , and C : acetonitrile ( non-lin - ear gradient elution ) .

  7. 方法:合成的BNP与牛血清白蛋白(Bovineserumalbumin,BSA)以碳化二乙胺(EDC)法偶联,制备BNP-BSA完全抗原。

    Methods : The synthesized BNP was conjugated to bovine serum albumin ( BSA ) by EDC coupling procedure to form complete antigen ( BNP-BSA ) .

  8. 研究表明:随着乙腈与二乙胺体积比的升高和电解质浓度的增大,电流密度增加越来越明显,钽板的电化学溶解速度增大,但腐蚀电位Eb保持不变。

    With the increase of the volume ratio ( acetonitrile-diethylamine ) and electrolyte concentration , the pitting potential Eb unchanged , Current density and the electrochemical dissolution of tantalum plate velocity increased .

  9. 使用环氧氯丙烷活化,然后与二乙胺反应,基质被衍生成一种阴离子吸附剂(Cell-TiDEAHP);

    After activated by epichlorohydrin and coupling with diethylamine , the matrix was derived to function as an anion exchanger ( Cell-Ti DEAHP ) .

  10. 典型的阴离子交换剂StreamlineDEAE作为扩张床吸附剂。使用环氧氯丙烷活化,然后与二乙胺反应,基质被衍生成一种阴离子吸附剂(Cell-TiDEAHP);

    Typical anion exchanger , Streamline DEAE , was used as the model EBA adsorbent . After activated by epichlorohydrin and coupling with diethylamine , the matrix was derived to function as an anion exchanger ( Cell-Ti DEAHP ) .

  11. 结果表明,负载CuSO4对氨的吸附容量明显提高,具有物理吸附和化学吸附双重功能,但吡啶、二乙胺略有下降。

    It turns out that the adsorbing capacity of ammonia will be highly increased and the adsorption shows both physical and chemical adsorption properties simultaneously , whereas the adsorbing capacity of pyridine and diethylamine will be a little decreased when CuSO_4 is carried .

  12. 结论双氯芬酸二乙胺盐凝胶经皮给药安全。

    Conclusion Diclofenac diethylamine salt gel is safe for transdermal administration .

  13. 二乙胺合三(2-苯骈噻唑基)硼烷在电子电离质谱中的反应

    The Reaction of Diethylamine Tri ( 2-benzothiazolyl ) Borane in EI-MS

  14. 锌电极在含三乙胺、二乙胺电解液中的性能

    The performance of zinc electrode in electrolyte adding triethylamine , diethylamine

  15. 黄酮类化合物体外抑制N-亚硝基二乙胺生成的研究

    Study on Inhibitory Effects of Flavones on N-Nitrosodiethylamine Formation in Vitro

  16. 双氯芬酸二乙胺盐凝胶皮肤毒性实验

    Experimental Study of Dermal Toxicity from Diclofenac Diethylamine Salt Gel

  17. 二乙胺液相催化羰化制备二乙基甲酰胺

    Synthesis of Diethyl Formamide by Catalytic Carbonylation of Diethylamine in Liquid Phase

  18. 关于我国二乙胺的生产技术及其发展

    On Domestic Production Technique of Diethylamine and its Development

  19. 过氧化氢对2-甲基-3-(β-二乙胺乙基)吲哚的作用

    The action of hydrogen peroxide towards 2-methyl-3 - (β - diethylaminoethyl ) indole

  20. 水杨酸二乙胺乳膏(柳胺霜)人体透皮吸收的药动学研究

    Pharmacokinetic studies on the percutaneous absorption of diethylamine salicylate cream from human skin

  21. 盐酸二乙胺与己二酸、癸二酸的相关系

    Phase Relations and Decomposition for Systems of Diethylamine Hydrochloride-Adipic Acid and Diethylamine Hydrochloride-Sebacic Acid

  22. 双氯芬酸二乙胺盐凝胶治疗闭合性软组织损伤的临床观察

    Clinical Observation of Diclofenac Diethylamine Salt Gel to Treat Closed Injury of Soft Tissue

  23. 静注麦角酰二乙胺对家兔尾核神经元单位活动的影响

    Effect of Neuron Unit Action on Caudate Nucleus after Venous Injection LSD in Rabbit

  24. 二乙胺水杨酸凝胶剂的研制及经皮渗透研究

    Study of transdermal osmosis of diethylamine salicylate gel

  25. 呼吸兴奋剂香草酰二乙胺的合成工艺研究

    Investigation and preparation of respiratory stimulant - ethamivan

  26. 二乙胺合三(5-甲基-2-苯并噻唑基)硼烷的晶体结构

    Crystal and molecular structure of tris ( 5 methyl 2 benzothiazolyl ) borane diethylamine adduct

  27. 毫米波联合双氯芬酸二乙胺治疗颞下颌关节紊乱病临床分析

    Clinical analysis of mm ultrasound wave together with diclofenac diethylamine emulsion to treat temporomandibular joint disorders

  28. 方法:采用正交试验,对双氯芬酸二乙胺凝胶进行体外透皮试验,以透皮扩散速率常数为考察指标。

    Method : Orthogonal design was used in transdermal test with transdermal diffusion rate constant as selection standard .

  29. 结论:复方七叶皂苷钠凝胶在改善损伤性或炎症性疼痛方面疗效与双氯芬酸二乙胺乳胶剂相当;

    Conclusion : Compound sodium aescinate gel is more effective in reducing traumatic and inflammatory soft tissue swelling .

  30. 目的:通过对凝胶剂经皮渗透速率的比较,优化二乙胺水杨酸凝胶剂处方。

    OBJECTIVES : To optimize the formulation of diethylamine salicylate gel by comparative study on transdermal osmotic rate .