
  • 网络diamine oxidase;DAO;diamine oxidase, DAO
  1. 血清二胺氧化酶(DAO)速率法试剂盒制备及临床应用研究

    Study on Detecting DAO in Serum with Speed-rate Method for Kit Preparation and the Clinical Application

  2. 二胺氧化酶在急性坏死性胰腺炎肠道损伤中的作用

    Effect of DAO on intestinal damage in acute necrotizing pancreatitis in dogs

  3. SD大鼠二胺氧化酶活力测定方法的研究

    Studies on Determination of Enzymatic Active for Diamine Oxidase in Sprague-dawley rats

  4. 分光光度法监测外周血中二胺氧化酶(DAO)和内毒素(ET)的活性。

    The concentration of diamine oxidase and endotoxin were detected in systemic circulation by spectrophotometry .

  5. 取血检测血浆二胺氧化酶(DAO)活性,取小肠组织进行形态学观察,用免疫组织化学方法研究磷酸化p38的表达特征。

    The activity of plasma diamine oxidase ( DAO ) were determined .

  6. 以分光光度法检测小肠组织二胺氧化酶(DAO)活性;

    Diamine oxidase ( DAO ) activity of small intestine was assayed by chromatography .

  7. 测定血浆二胺氧化酶(DAO)和内毒素水平的变化。

    The plasma concentrations of diamine oxidase ( DAO ) and endotoxin were measured .

  8. 用分光光度法测血和肠组织二胺氧化酶(diamineoxidase,DAO)活性;

    The diamine oxidase ( DAO ) activity in intestinal tissue and blood were determined by spectrophotometry .

  9. 目的探讨健康新生儿血二胺氧化酶(DAO)、D-乳酸的正常含量,为新生儿胃肠功能衰竭的早期诊断寻找可靠的检验依据。

    Objective To study the level of serum diamine oxidase ( DAO ) and D-lac-tate in healthy newborn infants .

  10. 采用分光光度法和酶联免疫吸附法测定血清二胺氧化酶活性及血清总IgE水平。

    Serum diamine oxidase activity and the total serum IgE levels were determined by spectrophotometry and Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay .

  11. 患者与健康对照组血清二胺氧化酶活性在组内、组间比较差异均有统计学意义,且分组与时间有交互作用(P0.01)。

    There were significant differences in the serum activity of diamine oxidase and the total serum IgE levels between the two groups ( P0.01 ) .

  12. 其中肠功能的观察指标主要为血浆二胺氧化酶;全身炎症反应方面则采用全身炎症评分、血乳酸浓度、C反应蛋白、TNF-a、IL-10作为观察指标。

    Intestinal function was observed by plasma diamine oxidase while systemic inflammatory response was observed by inflammatory score , blood lactate concentration , C-reactive protein , TNF-a and IL-10.4 .

  13. 目的探讨危重症新生儿血清二胺氧化酶(DAO)和D-乳酸的变化及其临床意义。

    Objective To explore the changes of levels of serum diamine oxidase ( DAO ) and D-lactate in neonates with critically ill and those clinical significances .

  14. 慢性荨麻疹组血清二胺氧化酶的活性在1h、1.5h及3h逐渐升高,且这三个时点其活性均低于健康对照组。

    The serum diamine oxidase activity in 1 hour , 1.5 hour and 3 hours was lower than that of healthy control .

  15. 各组于再灌注1.5h、3h、6h和12h分别采血,测定血清二胺氧化酶(DAO)、ALT、AST、BUN和Cr水平。

    The serum levels of DAO , ALT , AST , BUN and Cr were measured at 1.5 , 3 , 6 and 12h after reperfusion .

  16. 观察并探讨了肠缺血-再灌流大鼠血浆二胺氧化酶(DAO)活性的变化规律及其与肠损伤相关指标变化的关系。

    The regularity of change of plasma diamine oxidase ( DAO ) activity and its relation to some parameters concerning gut injury in rats during gut ischemia reperfusion were investigated .

  17. 检测肠粘液层厚度、肠粘膜增殖细胞核抗原(PCNA)、血浆内毒素含量及血浆二胺氧化酶(DAO)活性。

    Indices including the activity of diamine oxidase ( DAO ), the level of plasma endotoxin , intestinal proliferating cell nuclear antigen ( PCNA ) and thickness of mucus layer were determined .

  18. 于缺血前及缺血后1、6、8、12和24h检测血浆二胺氧化酶(DAO)活性、D-乳酸含量、肠黏膜二氧化碳分压(PiCO2);

    The diamine oxidase ( DAO ) activities , D-lactate contents and intestinal mucosal partial pressure of carbon dioxide ( PiCO_2 ) were detected at 1,6,8,12 and 24 hours of ischemia .

  19. 目的研究泛素蛋白酶体途径对烫伤脓毒症大鼠肠组织核转录因子κB(NFκB)活化、肿瘤坏死因子α(TNFα)表达以及血浆二胺氧化酶(DAO)活性的作用。

    Objective To study the effect of ubiquitin-proteasome pathway inhibition on intestinal nuclear factor κ B ( NF κ B ) activity and tumor necrosis factor α ( TNF α) release as well as plasma diamine oxidase ( DAO ) activity in rats with postburn sepsis .

  20. 初步安全性评价研究发现,大鼠灌胃给予SPN后,小肠切片未见明显炎症反应,肠液中的蛋白含量和二胺氧化酶活性未见明显异常。

    No obvious inflammatory response was observed in the intestine after oral administration of SPN . Meanwhile , the protein content and diamine oxidase activity in the intestine juice was not evidently changed .

  21. 各预防治疗组腹腔注射预防给予相应药物,10min后灌胃给予敌敌畏55mg/kg,于染毒后3h取血,检测血浆二胺氧化酶活性(DAO)及D-乳酸浓度。

    The drugs were respectively given 10 minutes before intragastric administration of DDVP in a dose of 55mg / kg . The diamine oxidase ( DAO ) activity and concentration of D-lactic acid in plasma were measured at 3 hours after DDVP poisoning .

  22. 健康新生儿血二胺氧化酶、D-乳酸测定及意义

    The level of serum diamine oxidase and D-lactate in healthy newborn infants

  23. 急性小肠梗阻时肠壁病理学及二胺氧化酶活性的变化

    Diamine oxidase activty and pathological changes of intestine in acute intestinal obstruction

  24. 肝硬化患者血浆二胺氧化酶及内毒素检测的临床意义

    Detection and Clinical Significance of Plasma Diamine Oxidase and Endotoxin in Hepatocirrhosis Patients

  25. CA&50和二胺氧化酶联合检测对恶性胸水的诊断价值

    Diagnostic value of assay CA-50 combined with diamineoxidase in malignant and benign effusion

  26. 二胺氧化酶在创伤后肠道损伤中变化及意义

    The significance of changes in diamine oxidase activity in intestinal injury after trauma

  27. 二胺氧化酶在乳腺癌与乳腺腺病组织中的免疫组化研究

    Immunohistochemical study on diamine oxidase in mammary cancer and

  28. 正常对照组检查血二胺氧化酶。

    Patients was divided into two groups randomly .

  29. 烧伤后二胺氧化酶活性的变化

    Sequential changes in diamine oxidase activity after burn

  30. 乌司他丁复合氧氟沙星对大鼠肠黏膜二胺氧化酶的影响

    Influence of Ulinastatin Combined with Ofloxacin on Intestinal Mucosal Diamine Oxidase in Septic Rats