
  • 网络JASMONIC ACID;jasmonate acid;MeJA
  1. 茉莉酸羧基甲基转移酶基因的克隆及其高效表达载体的构建

    Cloning of the Jasmonic Acid Carboxyl Methyltransferase JMT Gene and Constructing of Its Over-expression Vector

  2. 利用茉莉酸单克隆抗体,采用胶体金免疫定位技术,进一步观察了茉莉酸在豌豆叶片中的亚细胞分布,以及局部机械伤害后茉莉酸的分布和数量变化。

    The change of subcellular localization of jasmonic acid ( JA ) was investigated in the leaves of pea seedlings in response to wounding by immunogold electron microscopy technique .

  3. 茉莉酸诱导使枸杞蚜成虫寿命较对照缩短3d左右。

    The adult longevity was about 3 days shorter than that of control .

  4. 茉莉酸甲酯对中国红豆杉细胞基因表达的mRNA差异显示研究

    Studies on the mRNA Differential Expression Induced by Methyl Jasmonate in Taxus chinensis Cells

  5. 这些同源基因涉及到R基因介导的信号传导途径,水杨酸介导的信号传导途径,茉莉酸和乙烯信号传导途径,植物保卫素的合成与细胞壁修饰等。

    These homology genes involved in R gene related signal transduction , SA related signal transduction and so on .

  6. H2O2和Ca~(2+)参与茉莉酸甲酯对气孔运动的调节

    Involvement of H_2O_2 and Ca ~( 2 + ) in the response of stomate to methyl jasmonate

  7. 茉莉酸刺激的橡胶树胶乳cDNA消减文库的构建及其序列分析

    Construction of cDNA Library and Analyses of cDNA Sequences in Latex from JA-Stimulated Rubber Trees

  8. 拟南芥保卫细胞中茉莉酸甲酯诱导的H2O2产生与MAPK信号转导体系的可能关系

    The Methyl Jasmonate-induced H_2O_2 Generation and Relation to MAPK Sig-nal Transduction System in Arabidopsis thaliana Guard Cells

  9. 1)茉莉酸在21.03-126.18μg/株的浓度范围内均能诱导水稻释放挥发物,并对稻虱缨小蜂产生明显引诱作用(表3.1,图3.1)。

    The results are as follows : 1 ) The parasitoid was obviously attracted by the volatiles emitted from plants that were wounded and treated with JA ( 21.03-126.18 ug plant-1 ) .

  10. 一系列分子的、遗传的和生理的实验表明RCA与茉莉酸诱导的叶片衰老相关。

    Molecular , genetic and physiological analyses indicated that RCA degradation was related with JA-induced leaf senescence .

  11. 赤霉素(GA3)与茉莉酸甲酯(MeJA)对雾培马铃薯内源激素与生长发育的影响

    Effect of Gibberellins ( GA_3 ) and Methyl Jasmonate ( MeJA ) on Endogenous Hormones and Development of Potato in Aeroponics

  12. 茉莉酸甲酯对组培Mona百合鳞茎及鳞片叶生长的影响

    Effects of Methy Jasmonate ( MeJA ) on Bulblet and Scale Leaf Growth of Lilium ' Mona ' in vitro

  13. AOS(alleneoxidesynthase)是茉莉酸合成的脂氧合酶途径中的第一个关键酶。

    Allene oxide synthase ( AOS ) is the first enzyme in the lipoxygenase pathway which leads to the formation of JA .

  14. 离子流(Ca2+)、活性氧(ROS)、水杨酸(SA)、茉莉酸(JA)等均是PCD发生过程中的重要信号分子;

    Ca ~ 2 + ion influx , reactive oxygen species ( ROS ), SA , JA and so on are important signal molecules .

  15. 研究了不同浓度茉莉酸甲酯(MeJA)处理对菜用大豆荚贮藏期间衰老与腐烂的影响。

    The effects of exogenous methyl jasmonate ( Me-JA ) on senescence and decay in vegetable soybean during storage were investigated .

  16. 茉莉酸甲酯(MeJA)对干旱胁迫下水稻幼苗光合作用特性的影响

    Effects of methyl jasmonate ( MeJA ) on photosynthetic traits of rice seedlings under drought stress

  17. 二氢茉莉酸丙酯(PDJ)对水稻移栽苗生长的影响

    Effects of PDJ on the Growth of Rice Transplant Seedlings

  18. 一种人工合成的茉莉酸类似物PDJ对寄主中黄瓜花叶病毒含量的影响

    Influence of cucumber mosaic virus loading by a synthesized jasmonic acid analogue in plant

  19. 将乙烯、水杨酸、茉莉酸、NO、H2O2和Ca2+信号抑制剂预处理的植株经UV-B辐射。

    Before exposure with elevated UV-B radiation , the plants were sprayed with the inhibitors of ethylene , salicylic acid , jasmonate , nitric oxide , hydrogen peroxide and calcium ion .

  20. 研究了不同浓度的乙烯(CEPA)、脱落酸(ABA)和茉莉酸甲酯(Me-JA)对诱导百合试管鳞茎形成和膨大的作用。

    Effects of various concentrations of Me-JA , ABA and CEPA on inducing formation and enlargement of lily bulb in test tube were studied .

  21. 甲基茉莉酸对喜树中HMGS基因表达的影响初探

    Effect of methyl-jasmonic on the expression of HMGS gene in Camptotheca

  22. 这表明LOX很可能是JA生物合成及胁迫诱导JA积累的一种关键酶,水杨酸抑制茉莉酸积累。

    The result suggested that LOX may be a key enzyme in JA biosynthesis under water stress . SA inhibited the enhancement of JA level under water stress .

  23. 用基于抗茉莉酸甲酯单克隆抗体的酶联免疫吸附测定法(ELISA),在颖花开放前后,对其雄蕊、雌蕊、浆片、内外稃组织中的内源JAs含量进行定量分析。

    Endogenous JAs ( JA and MeJA ) were measured in stamens , pistils , lodicules and lemmas using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay ( ELISA ) based on the monoclonal antibody to MeJA .

  24. 茉莉酸(JA)信号也可能通过触发[Ca~(2+)]i升高而调节细胞的生理生化反应。

    It is possible that exogenous jasmonic acid ( JA ) can trigger the physiological and biochemical reactions in the cell by the increase of [ Ca2 ] i.

  25. 与茉莉酸信号途径有关的抗病相关基因玉米蛋白酶抑制剂(MPI)和脂氧合酶(LOX)在抗感材料中的转录水平无变化。

    The transcription levels of the resistant genes Maize proteinase inhibitor ( MPI ) and Lipoxygenase ( LOX ) related to the JA signal pathway had no changes in both resistant and susceptible lines .

  26. 以大田实验和无菌土实验证明茉莉酸甲酯对大豆结瘤和固氮影响的途径和程度,进而探讨MJ在影响大豆结瘤和固氮中的作用。

    The evidences can demonstrate the pathway and extent through which MJ exerted the influence on the nodulation and nitrogen fixation of soybean by experiments performed under the field and the soil sterilized .

  27. 水杨酸(SA)和茉莉酸甲酯(MJ)是植物体内普遍存在的内源信号分子和新型植物激素,在植物的许多生理反应和基因表达方面发挥着重要的调控作用。

    Salicylic acid ( SA ) and Methyl Jasmonate ( MJ ) are important signal substances and also newly found plant hormones , which play a crucial role in regulation of physiological action and expression of genes in plants .

  28. 结果表明,这三个基因在幼叶和叶柄中具有较高的表达水平并受茉莉酸甲酯(MeJA)和干旱胁迫诱导。

    Expression analysis demonstrated that these genes showed higher expression level in young leaves and petiole as well could be induced by methyl jasmonic acid ( MeJA ) .

  29. 这些F-box蛋白在植物花发育、自交不亲、种子发育、生理节奏调节、防卫反应、生长素信号途径、茉莉酸信号途径、水杨酸信号途径以及非生物胁迫响应等过程起重要作用。

    These F-box proteins played essential roles in flowering development , self-incompatibility , light signalling and clock control , plant hormone response pathways and abiotic stress .

  30. 试验以品种为主区,激素处理为副区进行裂区设计,研究了赤霉素(GA3)与茉莉酸甲酯(MeJA)对雾培马铃薯内源激素与生长发育的影响。

    This test used split-plot design to study the effect of GA3 and MeJA on endogenous hormones and development of potato in aeroponics , with main plot being varieties and split-plot being hormones .